Summary of Qualifications AWS/CWI # 0071141 AWS/CWE # 0011010E Boilermaker Journeyman Field Construction AWS Certified Welding Inspector, (June 2000 - currently) I have developed and qualified numerous welding procedures in compliance with AWS D1.1, AWS D1.2, AWS D1.3 AWS D1.5 AWS D1.6 AWS D17.1 API 1104 and ASME Section IX Experience Summary Established Precision Welding Solutions Inc. 2001 - present A welding consulting firm providing Procedure Qualification, Welder Testing/Certification, Welder Training, Weld Inspection, Weld Document review and other related services. A list of clients provided upon request. Randolph Community College, Asheboro, NC, Welding Technology Department Head January 5, 2015 Responsibilities include scheduling all Welding related classes, Instruction provided for SMAW/ plate and pipe GMAW/FCAW plate, GTAW plate and pipe Cutting Processes, Symbols and Specifications Fabrication Certification Practices continuing education classes as requested by industry, production of all course syllabi, expedite all equipment, tools, materials, consumables necessary to operate welding shop while operating within a budget, supervise and schedule full-time and adjunct instructors, schedule all meetings and serve as secretary for Welding Advisory Committee act as advisor for students recruitment of new students for welding program, and production of planning units . Ensure Curriculum remains current. Supervise Full-Time and adjunct instructors. Guilford Technical Community College, Jamestown, NC August 1997 - December 31 2014 Welding Technology Program Coordinator/ Welding Instructor, Department Chair Responsibilities include scheduling all Welding related classes, curriculum and continuing education, Instruction provided for SMAW/ plate and pipe GMAW/FCAW plate, GTAW plate and pipe Cutting Processes, Symbols and Specifications Fabrication Certification Practices continuing education classes as requested by industry, production of all course syllabi, expedite all equipment, tools, materials, consumables necessary to operate welding shop while operating within a budget, supervise and schedule full-time and adjunct instructors, schedule all meetings and serve as secretary for Welding Advisory Committee act as advisor for students recruiting of new students for welding program, and production of planning units . Provide Focused industrial training for industry, numerous companies .Design and retrofit of current training facility that have been in operation since 6/06.Currently designing new welding facility . K & M Machine Inc. Biscoe, N.C. Contractual as needed Aug. 2000 - present Welding Inspector on as needed basis, providing procedure development, welder qualification, and weld inspection. Field Construction Boilermaker/Welder Highlights 1977 - 97 North Carolina Finishing, Spencer, N.C CPM inc 1996 Supervisor over demolition of existing burners, fabrication and installation of new burner, and supporting components. Unit #5 power boiler North Carolina Finishing, Spencer, N.C. CPM inc. 1996 Supervisor over rebuilding of burners, and numerous emergency outages on super-heater section. Unit #7 power boiler


Job Skills
