To Whom it may concern: I would appreciate the opportunity to be considered for the position of “Electrical Maintenance Supervisor\ Maintenance Supervisor”. My last employer was with McConway & Torley in Pitsburgh as the Maintenance Planning Manager since March 1, 2014. Previously, I had been working with AK Steel as a Maintenance Planner Engineer for the Hot Strip Mill in Mansfield, Ohio, and just prior to this I was employed with Severstal Warren / RG Steel, Warren since August, 1999, and had been serving as an Electrical Maintenance Shift Manager\Planner at the 56” Hot Strip Mill. I have been very active in all phases of the maintenance program with “above expectations” ratings on all my annual evaluations. I have been involved in various cost savings projects. We were laid off due to the company filing bankruptcy. Prior to the lay-off, I was promoted as the Electrical Maintenance Planner of 56” Hot Strip where I planned all levels of electrical work performed in our department and answered trouble calls on a 24 hr. call basis. I was also involved in a project to promote the installation of VFD drives for our descale pump motors. This project would have resulted in an annual savings in electric usage of approximately $1.35 million, plus additional mechanical and production advantages. I have been working with the GE 90/70, GE 90/30, Allen Bradley, Cegelec Alspa 80-MT systems and the GE Series Six PLC’s. I was very instrumental in the developing and teaching MTE’s step- by- step procedures to make common changes in the program with a favorable success rate. I am very familiar with high voltage switchgear, 480 – 13,800 volts, and carry a valid certification to work on these. I have done various levels of troubleshooting in these systems, and believe and practice root /cause analysis in all delay and trouble faults in both maintenance and safety issues. I am consistent in promoting the company’s Safety program not only verbally, but also in demonstration and training. I am also a member of the department’s safety committee. I also am familiar and working with the Lean Management system. I have worked with various Maintenance Planning systems ie: Mapcon, Teams, and MP2 and others. I am a good, solid candidate and believe that I will be a great addition to your company. Respectively submitted, Robert D. Wood
