I have no disire to collect insurance money for providers. I want to do community out-reach services. I want to put my amazing life experiences to good use. My entire life I have been involved with the community. Growing up my mother was an agent for the Addison County Extension Service. We would go with her to homes of poverty stricken people; educating them how to extend their food commodities, and stretching their food dollars. She was also a 4-H Leader and she educated young people to sew, and become self-sufficient. She was also involved with the Head- Start program; she made sure we were with her during every part of her life. Later on she had to leave that job to care for my dad who was involved in a serious auto accident; we were not sure for 6 months if he was ever going to see again. He was blessed to regain his sight. We then took in children who were wards of the state with a multitude of disabilities. Later on in life I married an Army Ranger who trained at the Ethan Allen Mountain Warfare School mountaineer warfare. That’s when I took employment at a family practice and was there for 20 years starting at the front desk and finally working my way into the billing office. I had the opportunity to learn about how important it was educating patients about the importance of taking care of themselves; many suffered the consequences of not being mindful of their responsibilities. I later moved onto a cardiology practice where I did the precerts for cardiology procedures and diagnostic procedures. I was fortunate enough to work with cardiologists who were very engaging with their staff. I had the opportunity to even witness a cardic cath with a stent. The practice Administrator encouraged me to become a patient advocate; I fought for patients against the insurance industry to get the care they desperately needed. It was then that I joined the National Patient Advocate Foundation becoming the voice for patients who had no voice. Being an advocate I feel it’s important to engage patients and would welcome every opportunity I can get to share my thoughts and experiences with the people who could bring me to the next level as well as being involved with the Healthcare Systems. My education is a high school graduate as well as 4 years business vocational; recipient of the Departmental Business Award. .

