QUALIFICATION SUMMARY Entrepreneurial, dual-talented Global Business and Technology Leader with extensive experience using both business acumen and technical skills. Diverse exposure in international sales, marketing, products and technology development, having worked in electronic, industrial, health care and consumer industries. Effective communicator with executives, functional and technical associates across various levels of organization. Regarded for the ability to drive multiple tasks simultaneously, motivate teams, work well under pressure and meet project timelines. Led research team (2 Post-docs 3 Ph.D.) and coordinated with other universities and companies Led and participated in several NTI and NPI projects with broad range of products with multiple business divisions including medical, consumer, electronic and industrial, and non-woven air filter media. * Initiated idea of electro-responsive new technology platform. Shared the vision with stakeholders and executives to execute business plans, set-up lab infrastructure, led core technology team of 4 researchers and supported product development teams from other divisions to drive new product opportunities. * Collected VOC by conducting various national focus group sessions and online surveys, identifying more than 100 products concepts in consumer market segment. * Led projects several Six Sigma, and t-DFSS projects, establishing lab test infrastructure, ensuring customer acceptance, and aligning business interests. * Led efforts to generate technical data package to support air filter business against patent litigation. * Received multiple genesis and discover grants, which drove several new, successful ideas. ADDITIONAL RELEVANT EXPERIENCE including MIT UPenn ONR DARPA SRI Raytheon Philips (Echo) Ultrasound Inc. MSI Inc. and

