I now wish to pursue my postdoctoral research career in the field of cancer biology. I have a constant thrust to learn new things in the modern day of biomedical research, which enables me to quickly grasp new concepts. I recognize the necessity of achieving targets with efficiency and precision. I enjoy facing challenges and believe in finding the appropriate solutions with determination, which is extremely important for doing research. I would like to optimally utilize my knowledge and aptitude in a research where I can contribute and by this I feel motivated in gaining a strong experience in basic biochemical and molecular techniques where rigor and discipline are required. I am very much interested to study the cell surface signalling, model oncogenic signalling pathways and to identify receptor-ligand pairs and energy transporters in normal and cancer cells. Which are essential for cellular recognition processes and to identify synergistic drug combinations for further clinical development? I very much interested in molecular biology and cell biology tools, next-generation sequencing methods like ChIP-Seq, custom capture sequencing, in addition to in vivo experiments to address these scientific questions. I believe that study of genetics, could be one of the most important accomplishments for scientists in scientific history. Short term career goal: To publish my research findings in top-tired, high impact journals (at least one in a year during my postdoctoral training). Long term career goal: My long term goal is to be an independent cancer researcher and secure a faculty position in a reasonably good research oriented university and/or research center. My long term research interests also involve the development of a comprehensive understanding of key developmental pathways and how alterations in gene expression contribute to cancer.
