To Whom It May Concern: I am seeking a position with a reputable company which will allow me to utilize 25 years of expertise and leadership. I have been in Management & Administration for 25 years, at which time I have attended dozens of Conferences, & Seminars, furthering my education and sharpening my skills in leadership and administration. These Educational experiences have included the following topics: Responsibilities for an Executive Director, HR, Project Management, Consulting, Public & Motivational Speaking, Leadership, Medical Practice Management, HIPAA Compliance & Policy Development, Cost Containment, Compliance, Audits, Revenue Cycles, Purchasing (Equipment, hardware/software, vendors in expending services etc.) Software Implementation, Creating protocol for better time management, and more. Many of these seminars were set up by myself when I served as President of my Professional Society. (PAHCOM-Professional Association of Healthcare Office Management). Great leaders are born, not made. Our brains are wired differently. It is heroic to run into a building on fire, but a leader sees the warning signs ahead and many times can prevent the fire altogether. I have discovered too many cannot tell the difference between a manager and a leader, and businesses suffer because of it. "A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others see." ~ Leroy Eimes If you are seeking a leader with one or more of these skills, I would love the opportunity to discuss a position with your firm to see if we are a match. Thank you for your time and consideration! Charlene Cox Professional Societies & Awards Voted as President of my Professional Society: PAHCOM- Professional Association of Healthcare Office Management Who’s Who of Business Management Who’s Who of Business Women NAPW National Assoc. of Professional Women 2010-2011 Published: Fine Art Nature Photographer


Job Skills
