To help make sure that I provide a Safe and Health workplace injury-free environment. And to ensure the development, implementation and updating of required written safety health programs and plan 02/16- Present A.C.T. / McAbee Construction: Alabama Power Demopolis, Alabama Position: Safety Manager Facilitate daily safety meeting. Conducted safety observations daily. Other responsibilities include supervising the site specific orientation of new employees for confined space entry, Clearances (lock out tag out) procedures. Coaching, encouraging, teaching, and training employees in safe and environmentally responsible work practices. Performed walk downs during the outage to insure the work was conducted safely. Ensure permits were current and all entrants were qualified to enter space, acted as a watch when welding or metal cutting was performed by craft workers. Also responsible for observing and complying with all safety and project rules, including wearing required personal safety equipment. Practice safe working techniques and re-enforce the safety polices, guidelines, and procedures as set out by the company. Review accidents and incidents which occur in the area of responsibility and conduct field audits, reporting and managing the corrective actions. Observes job performance and searches for any possible site hazards to ensure that the company complies with all regulatory guidelines. Make personal contract with the working crews to build relationship.

Work Experience
Turner Construction / Shintech Chemical | Shift Safety Supervisor | 2/2019 - 5/2019 |


Job Skills
