Dynamic marketing & sales professional, creator of corporate models that build communities and exploite permission based marketing to communicate with buyers re. what they want, when they want to be contcted and in the way they wish to be contacted. In print, media, e-marketing, voice-to-voice or face-to-face.

Optical Scanning Systems Co. Owner and Sales Manager. Accounting Systems Distributor, Owner and Sales Manager. Tool Manufacturing Co. CEO, Director. Commercial Printing Co. owner, manager, creative director. Direct Marketing & Advertising consultant, Electronic & Permission Marketing consultant.Companies I like:
Google, PolyOne, Value Recovery Group, Esco Technlogies, GE, Battelle, Covanta

Job Skills


Marketing Director, I am able to effect the essence of the cient's message and determined the most effective means of delivery.
Strategic Planning, gives me the opportunity to interact with management, staff and customers to acertain internal competancies which can be applied to surf market forces.