John R Dye III 84 Friendship Rd. Cranbury, N.J. 08512 JohnRDyeIII@yahoo.com (908)902 -6839 To my Future Employer: My name is John I am an Honest, Hard Working individual who is very talented in many area's . I have done everything from a glass blower , car salesman, built satellites, tested computer boards for problems, designed and set-up warehouses, with racks, sections and locations. Implementing locater with inventory control system, and trained 10-15 personnel on how to use and the procedures to make changes if locations did not have proper lot or inventory. Was able to maintain warehouses at 98% to 100% inventory control. Would only have situations when damaged goods were not recorded properly. I am a people person who enjoys dealing with people and situations it is easy for me to calm the customer down and satisfy them. Leave them looking forward to doing business with our company again. For the past 40 years I have also run a Home Improvement Service that I would do any and all home owners request Electrical : outlets, switches, lighting, appliances, landscape lighting, and new circuits to the fuse box. Also plumbing can weld , soldier repair, replace and fix any and all situations that might arise in water lines, tubs, showers, faucets, drains, ice makers, septic, windows, doors, siding, wallboard patch ,fix, repair and replace can do anything. I also have a very good mechanical aptitude with tools and operating equipment. I can fix, repair and install everything and anything when it comes fixing and repairing most of the equipment on a press. 4 and 2 stroke motors very familiar with, know when electric motors need to be replaced, also familiar with conveyers, assembly lines, hot melt units, mechanical label units. I have an exceptional ability to understand how things work, operate, and maintenance on the equipment. I am a perfectionist with a excellent eye to detail. If you would like to know more please feel free to contact me about any questions you might have? I have been looking for a job for a while I realize I might not ever find a job with the money that I was making? But I can start some place I just need a chance to prove I am worth it! Sincerely John R. Dye III