Marvin H. Underwood III Previous Experience and Training Thorough experience in Heavy equipment, Truck and Fire apparatus manufacturing management. Structural and Sheet metal experience: Structural welding U.L. Criteria Fabrication (Break and Sheer, Punch Press, Forming). Machining (Lathe, Mill, Drill, Saw) Print reading Bills of material Shop layout and time studies Assembly and Mechanical experience: Hydraulic assembly and design Electric control systems (12 volt) D.O.T. requirements N.F.P.A. requirements Integrated Quality control Gas and Diesel power units Body and Paint O.E.M. Finishing Dupont, PPG, Finishing systems Waste stream management Spray Booths OSHA Right to Know Training Instructor Operations experience: MRP II Production scheduling Inventory Control (Inventory audits within 1% at LTI, Pierce, and Re-tech) Departmental Budgeting (Maintained 1,000,000. Production Budget at LTI) E.P.A. Reporting Requirements OSHA Reporting Requirements Attended numerous in-house training programs on Employee relations, Goal setting, Time management and Quality control. ISO9000 Quality certification Computer experience: Windows xp Most Microsoft Office Programs Peach Tree ROI Manage 2000 Quicken 2000 Made2Manage I strongly believe in goal setting and teamwork to accomplish the task at hand. I consider myself a good communicator and fair but firm manager.
