Embedded Systems: I have either personally designed or directed the design of many control systems. This includes the hardware and software design and debug of over 12 microprocessor control boards. Many of these boards are still in use throughout several General Dynamics manufacturing facilities. Specific items are available upon request.
Machines and Fixtures: I have designed over 15 multi-axes filament winding machines. These filament winders were used in Brunswick Defense, General Dynamics, and Lincoln Composites (formally Brunswick Defense) production facilities. Included in the design was direction of tool design engineers, machine shop personnel, electronics engineers, technicians and electricians. I personally concept the axes configurations, designed the electronic control systems and performed the static and dynamic load analysis on these machines.
In addition to filament winders I have also designed many other fixtures including an automated fixture which fusion welds HDPE parts used for tank liners, multi-axes four quadrant tensioner systems, automated cycle test fixtures, leak test fixtures, and sequentially controlled assembly fixtures using air, hydraulic and electric actuators. I have had experience with several different PLC’s including Allen Bradley, General Electric, Old Texas Instruments, Honeywell HC900’s, SpecVeiw32, and various PLC’s sold by Automation Direct.
While at Quantum Technologies I provided the design, development and validation of two automated servo controlled resin mixing systems. I also designed an automated fiber impregnation system. I provided the required tooling drawings and schematics with AutoCAD and wrote the required control program and GUI using Visual C++.net.
I have used Delta Tau PMAC’s for many multi-axes fixtures. I also have use Galil, PMI, and other motion control cards. I have used AMC, Indramat, Copley, Kollmorgen, Servo Dynamics, Parker, and various other servo drive
Management and Supervision:
I have managed and supervised all levels of engineering and technical staff including contract engineers, technicians and maintenance personnel. A total of 44 engineers and technical personnel were simultaneously managed during peak work periods.
Management duties included hiring, training, motivating, and administering annual employee performance reviews.
Companies I like:
A company which utilizes a high level of automation in manufacturing.
I have been responsible for the automation and control of several new automated production facilities. Included in the list of production facilities are…
• Brunswick Defense’s automated production plant for the rocket motor cases and launch tubes used in the Viper anti-tank launch tubes at Lincoln, Nebraska
• Brunswick Defense’s automated production plant for the MLRS launch tubes at Camden, Arkansas
• Lincoln Composites initial automated production plant for the production of filament wound compressed natural gas pressure vessels at Lincoln, Nebraska