I would like to work to be a key member within an established and successful company. I plan on being involved in the welding, piping, and fabrication industry for the long haul, while working and earning my way into a secure position. I can be under the hood all day or lay out, fit, design, and fabricate. I have a strong military background which is useful for pushing through a mission/project to the end with motivation and attention to detail while adhering to safety standards and team work. I successfully completed a 5 year apprenticeship through the United Association of Pipefitters and Welders local #228. I am certified on plate and pipe, all diameters, sizes, and positions. GTAW, SMAW, MIG, FCAW certifiable. Stainless fusion, chrome pipe, down hand pipeline certifiable. Extensive experience on X-ray welds, dye pen testing, graph testing, hydrostatic testing, pneumatic testing, pre/post heat treat procedures, purged open root stainless and many other procedures. I feel my skills and experience could benefit any well suited company that is steadily busy.

