RESUME ARTI SHARMA D/O SURENDRA BABU SHARMA BIHARI MOHALLA, ATER ROAD PORSA DISTT. MORENA (M.P.)-476115 Mob No.09926266062 Academic Profile EXAMINATION NAME AND PASSING YEAR SUBJECT BOARD PERCENT 10th (2000) Science, Math, Social Science M.P. Board (Bhopal) 84% 12th (2002) Biology M.P. Board (Bhopal) 88% to 2006) Zoology, Botany, Chemistry Jiwaji University ,Gwalior 77% to2008 ) Biochemistry Jiwaji University Gwalior 67% PhD ( qualified CSIR UGC-JRF 2009 ) 2010 to………. Biochemistry Defense Research and Development Establishment (DRDE),Gwalior In progress………. (CSIR SRF) Place: Gwalior PhD Topic: elucidation of surface biomarker of C.botulinum use the potential vaccine candidate molecule Techniques : PCR MALDI Biotyper DNA Sequencing MALDI-TOF-TOF MS SDS-PAGE Immunoblotting Two dimensional gel electrophoresis ELISA Cloning Protein Purification submission : Feb, 2015