Occupation:Chief Technology Officer |
Location:Boston, MA |
Education Level:Doctorate |
Will Relocate:YES |
SCUDs on operational tempo in DPRK and Japan, Analyses and Communications Led DGI's branding, strategic planning and positioning in the Government support sector including the policy, technology and operations issues for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their effects on civilian infrastructure, first responders, military forces and tactical operations. Critical involvement in Department of Defense programs related to the counterproliferation of, counterterrorism/domestic preparedness issues for, and the detection, identification and decontamination of chemical and biological weapons. Led a staff responsible for conducting a broad scope of research and analyses, both technical and programmatic, to support senior decision-makers in the Office of the Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Counterproliferation and Chemical/Biological Defense, DATSD (CP/CB), the Chemical Biological Defense Directorate of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the Chemical Biological National Security Program (CBNP) of the Dept. of Homeland Security. Accomplishments: * Modeled the letter-borne contamination threat to the military mail system, resulting in changes to the handling and distribution of mail within the military mail system. * Created interagency Technology R&D roadmaps for CB Point Detection, Decontamination, and Information Systems, which now guide long-term planning and investment decisions in DoD and DHS. * Planned and executed the "911-Bio" Consequence Management ACTD, which resulted in doctrinal changes for Marine Corps CBIRF and Army TEU responses. * Designed the long-term investment and management strategy document for DTRA CBs R&D program. * Field-demonstrated a COTS bioaerosol detection system within a year, resulting order-of-magnitude savings vice the current government research approach. * Created a publication for the CBNP to communicate the content, value and effectiveness of its programs to Congress, which has resulted in near doubling of their budget for 3 of the last 4 years. * Established the DGI corporate brand identity and web presence, resulting in greater name recognition, a more efficient, automated employee application process, and efficient customer support capability. * Produced and directed an interactive training DVD for DGI's Chemical Biological Response Aide (CoBRA™) software and hardware components in the CoBRA™ ResponseKit™, resulting in training-cost savings for customers and enhanced marketing materials for DGI. resulting in fundamental shift of Naval contingency strategy. * Developed strategic plan to secure future U. S. naval presence in the Middle East preparing the Navy for strained shore-support in today's pre-war climate. * Designed strategy for the Chief of Naval Operations to maintain long-term R&D curb admin expenses and retain fleet capabilities resulting in >$5.9B savings to the Navy over the FYDP. Summary of a Workshop on the Future of Antennas, Committee for Science and Technology Challenges to U.S. National Security Interests (J. Jerome Holton-Chairman, Norm Haller, Rapporteur), National Academy Press, 2012. Big Data: A Workshop Report, Committee for Science and Technology Challenges to U.S. National Security Interests (J. Jerome Holton, Chairman), National Academy Press, 2012. Avoiding Technology Surprise for Tomorrow's Warfighter-Symposium 2010, Committee for the Symposium on Avoiding Technology Surprise for Tomorrow's Warfighter (J. Jerome Holton, Chairman), National Academy Press, 2010. Avoiding Technology Surprise for Tomorrow's Warfighter, Committee for the Symposium on Avoiding Technology Surprise for Tomorrow's Warfighter (J. Jerome Holton, member), National Academy Press, 2009. Development of an Ontology-Based Tool to Support the Test and Evaluation Process for Rapid Acquisition of IED Detection Capabilities, Paul M. Franken, A. Jay Harrision, J. Jerome Holton, Ph.D., D. Luke Macfarlan, Zenovy S. Wowczuk, Ph.D., N. Clark Capshaw, Ph.D., Randall W. Williams, David J. Russomanno, Ph.D., ITEA Journal 30-2, 300-308 (2009). Avoiding Surprise in an Era of Global Technology Advances, Committee on Defense Intelligence Agency Technology Forecasts and Reviews (J. Jerome Holton, member), National Academy Press, 2005. Chemical & Biological Nonproliferation Program FY01 Annual Report, DOE, contract writer/editor/project director (May 2002). Report on the Integrated Chemical and Biological Defense Research, Development and Acquisition Plan for the Departments of Defense and Energy: Bio Point Detection and Decontamination, contract writer for DTRA/CB (April 2002). Chemical & Biological Nonproliferation Program FY00 Annual Report, DOE, contract study director (March 2001). Report on the Integrated Chemical and Biological Defense Research, Development and Acquisition Plan for the Departments of Defense and Energy: Bio Point Detection, contract study director for DTRA/CB (March 2001). Alternative Technologies to Replace Antipersonnel Landmines, Committee on Alternative Technologies to Replace Antipersonnel Landmines (J. Jerome Holton, member), National Academy Press, 2001. Chemical & Biological Nonproliferation Program FY99 Annual Report, DOE, contract writer/editor/project director (March 2000). The Naval Significance of Physical Facilities in the U. S. Central Command Area of Responsibility (U), J. Jerome Holton, Center for Naval Analyses, CRM 95-207 [Secret/NOFORN]. JCS TENCAP Special Project Night Vector - Final Report (U), J. Jerome Holton, et al., Center for Naval Analyses, CRM 95-176 [Secret/NOFORN]. JCS TENCAP Special Project Night Vector - Quicklook Report (U), J. Jerome Holton, et al., Center for Naval Analyses, 95-123 [Secret/NOFORN]. Assessing the DoN Assessment Process, PR-97 (U), John Keefe and J. Jerome Holton, Center for Naval Analyses, CRM 95-117 [Unclassified/FOUO]. Some Operational Implications of North Korean Chemically Armed Scud Missiles (U), J. Jerome Holton, Center for Naval Analyses, CRM 95-32 [Secret/NOFORN/WNINTEL]. Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Major Regional Conflict: Korea, 1996 (U), W. Seth Carus, Iris M. Gonzalez, J. Jerome Holton, Center for Naval Analyses, CRM 95-118 [Secret/NOFORN]. The North Korean NBC Threat (U), J. Jerome Holton and W. Seth Carus, Center for Naval Analyses, CRM 95-134 [Secret/NOFORN/WNINTEL]. "Structure of a Zero Ballistic Missile Regimen", J. Jerome Holton, Bridging the Nonproliferation Divide, Center for the Advanced Study of India, University of Pennsylvania. (Lanham: University Press of America, 1995) "Hydrogen and Helium Pressure Broadening of CH3F between 1 K and 600K", M. M. Beaky, D. C. Flatin, J. J. Holton, T. M. Goyette, and F. C. DeLucia, Journal of Molecular Structure 352/353, 245-251 (1995). "Millimeter/Submillimeter-wave Spectrum of the First Excited Torsional State in HOOH", D. T. Petkie, T. M. Goyette, J. J. Holton, F. C. DeLucia, and P. Helminger, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 171, (1995). "Hydrogen and Helium Pressure Broadening of H2S between 2K and 600K", D. C. Flatin, J. J. Holton, M. M. Beaky, T. M. Goyette, and F. C. DeLucia, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 164, 425-431 (1994). "Proposal for a Zero Ballistic Missile Regime", J. Jerome Holton, Lora Lumpe, and Jeremy J. Stone, 1993 AAAS Science and International Security Anthology, Trends and Implications for Arms Control, Proliferation, and International Security in the Changing Global Environment.


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