Totally I have more than 30 years in engineering positions, management, and computer science, architecture, performance analysis, theory, design and develop H/W and F/W, VLSI, ASIC, SoC, Microprocessor and DSP (Signal Processing design with reconfigurable algorithm processing (RAP) technology) with the experience in the wireless communications, medical device (DSP for hearing aid), and FM receiver fields (Very Long Instruction Word/SIMD) from an instruction set to gate level and from the concept of design to product issues. Digital Filter design and the optimization of algorithms for DSP, knowing how to implement digital filters in HW/SW combinations, filter bank implementation, Simulink /MatLab verification of algorithms, firmware verification and verilog verification. Cell library improvement. Every design included very high requirement (high performance and reliability). I have been through complete full custom design cycles for several times with the successful chips coming back. I have the extensive experience in all phase of VLSI Design Methodologies including SIMULINK/MatLab verification, Behavioral/RTL/gate level Design, Verilog coding and simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, ADC, DAC, Scan Insertion/Testability Analysis, Test Vector Generation, as well as backend activities. Please find attached copy of my resume. My current position is Manager S/W application.
