OBJECTIV: Spec.dr stom. Branislav Simic, born 22:04 1960god., Duke Street Vojvode Stepe3, Vranje, Serbia, +38117695902622 phone, e-mail: fogi@open.telekom.rs. To possition within a secure and established company where my skills and experience will be utilized, and opportunity for future advancement can be fulfille. EDUCATION: 1. October 1992-June 1995.- specialization school of Dentistry,University of Belgrade, 2.October 1979 January 1986.- School of Dentistry, University of Belgrade, 3. September 1975-May 1979.-high school. TECHICAL SKILL: -working knowledge of the MC office (Microsoft Word Ekecel) -working knowledge of the MS Windows, -driver licence “B”category,private vehicles.