QUALIFICATIONS Famlilai' with IBMJCRT, AS 400, ilnltei 21, NetCt~tB and other i personat computers knowledge with Excetsorne Power Point and other microsoft office sottwarescan type 40 - 55 wprn, 'tokey machine, AES Compliance, and knowiedge on US Customs proper procedures. iACSSP (Basic Awareness Training) 19 y rs various experiences with Air fOcean import and Export Cargo Operations. a Ptovmanr Hrsronva ' 't0!13 - Present Weiss Rohlig Importtt-beport Agent (Air.tOcean) Responsible tor Import and Export compliance and making sure That were up to date with tl1e policiesregutations and SOPS to avoid Penaitles etc. Process ali export documentation, pick ups, and detiverles for import etc. Import docwnentatlon, sending arrival notices, and delivery orders to truckers. Doing biillngs and some reports. - 5/1 1-1 0113 Kuehne Nagel a Ocean import Breakbtrllr and Ocean Export Agent Bookingshbments with different steamshm lines, via EOE or phone bookings Sending booking continuation to the customer and coordinate pick-ups with different Truckers. Processing Export Ocean dootirnents, ttting AES and doing OSL instructions for the steamshipttnes. Doing Billings and accounting duties, Making sore that customers satisfied wlth our service. Opening Flte for Imporlrbiiiins, calting steamship lines for arrival informatiorrdoing document tom over setting up delivery Orders. 4519 - 10113 -REALWAY TRANSPORTATION o lvtaidng sure that our daily operations okay and our customers always happy and satistled with our services. » Getting businesses with all freight fonvarders and customs brokers around the area. = Conducted mostly intemai audits and resolve issues accordingly » Created md maintained Excel spreadsheets to create weekly reports of tonnage customer reports, prottts and iosses.Doing accounting duties and also do dispatch sometimes. ELSA AGU LAR'S RESUME (page 2 of 3) ` 12105-10!08 WESTERN OVERSEAS CORP Export Atr & Ocean Account Execntiveltmport & Export Cargo o Operations. Controlled and maintained the effective Operation for Alr & Ocean Import 8. Export shipments. E _ e Respons*e for all proper dootsrrentation for shipping with different airtines and Shipping Lines. ~ Givklg Rate Quotes for Airfrelght, Sea freight or'ln and. Knowledgeable with AES proper procedures, FACSSP TSA Compliance, and other customer service duties. Also handling Accounting Payahtes and Receivables. ` _ 1 Doing Custom Clearances {AIR & OCEAN entry thm ABi) lmport Brokerageand Break-bulk and also vesset clearances. » Worked with CROSS onltte to check and verily custom classifications ° Created eil the reports of data using Excel spreadsheets ' TN99-12105 EXEL GLOBAL LOGESTICSJMSAS GLOBAL LOGISTICSJDHL Export & import Supervisor day Operations Sr Customer Service Dept. ¢ Bookings different airlines, cutling I-IAWB {Export documentatlon) o Doing SUNMICRCSYSTEMS Acct{PNL), Performance Reports, ~ AES entry. Responsible for rnonttoring and supervising and time keeper for 5 Employees. Other Accounts Handled, KLA-TENCOR, HP, FUJITSU. Also did accounting in E18 Brokerage Dept » Created all the reports of data using Ek-cel spreadsheets 1I96-1106 KLM ROYAL DUTCH Airlines Customer Service Representative ~ Cargo Bookings, tractngs, sales handled complaints o Import sales, other customer service needs. 'N89-U96 A CARGO SERVICE CENTER (Gateway Freight Services) (Airline Cargo Handlers) - o Lead Cargo Agent (Emport & Export) » Processed imports and Export documentation for different alrlinesi o Carried out cargo maritestlng for China Airlines, Ouantas, Alaska o Alitalia & KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Committed to proper procedure for Custom Clearanoes. Performed Accounting duties, stats, banking and Cutting Export documentation. ` 8189 - 12190 AHS {AEROG_ROU!~tD} British Atrial.-aye Export Account South San Francisco, CA 94080 _ ~ Oata entry processed Export docurnentation. `of3

