Dr. Prasanta Kumar Biswas is a permanent resident in the USA admitted as an outstanding researcher. He is also an Honorary Fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) and Ex-Chief Scientist of CSIR-CGCRI, India. He initiated developmental work on soft chemistry based optical coatings on glass for various applications in 1984 in CSIR-CGCRI, an Engineering Research Institute on Materials Science in India. Four know-hows on the processes of (i) antiglare coated ophthalmic glass lens, (ii) antiglare coated sheet glass (iii) AR (antireflection) coated circular glass lens and (iv) TCO (transparent conducting oxide) coated window glass have been developed under his leadership for their commercial release. Patents of these processes have been filed in India for IPR (intellectual property right) protection. Out of these two have been licensed (1992-2002) to five entrepreneurs in India for commercial exploitation. He has established a number of international collaborations during his tenure at CSIR-CGCRI. Initially an Indo-French collaborative project with the Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France was started in 1999 for the development of elctrochromic device based smart window. The Scientific Council of IFCPAR (Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research) has marked the developmental work as “Excellent” for the basic development of electrochromic device. Next an Indo-German collaborative project with ZAE Bayern, Germany was started in 2000 for exploratory work on the development of low emissivity coatings on glass. The outcome was successful as it initiated further development through the India Govt. sponsorship for the preparation of process know-how on cost effective TCO coated window glass, a potential transparent electrode material. In addition he has also carried out research and developmental work on nanostructured semiconductors during 2005-2010 through international collaborations with well recognized Institutes/Universities of Japan (Nagoya Institute of Technology), Slovenia (National Institute of Chemistry) and the USA (Boise State University). For national interest in India he has led the development of laser damage resistant optical coatings similar to the developmental work carried out in LLNL, USA and Lemeil Lab, France. He also initiated the development of foam based radar absorbing semiconductor along with fabrication of cost effective grating pattern of oxide film by capillary force lithography (CFL). In his professional career he has lead about seventeen national and international projects (sponsored, in-house, CSIR-India network). His ‘h’ index is 20.08 with total number of citations-1011 (as per availability) based on his publications in SCI journals >72. The recognition as a recepient of MRSI medal and also as an elected Fellow of West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology(FAScT) in India supports the above expertise.
