Homeland security issues have prompted me to put retirement aside. The primary professional interest of my life has been found in the fields of radiation physics based on technical, R&D areas falling under pulsed, high power (100 kA & 10 mega-volts) accelerators, Bremsstrahlung generation, relativistic electron beam creation, beam transport and compression, threat-level, gamma fluences & fluxes plus development of distributed, multi-modal, smart munitions focused on slapper-det technology, EFPs and physics of high explosives. In addition, work in directed energy using High Power Microwaves, HPMs, emphasized reliability engineering, Monte Carlo techniques, the ICEPIC particle code, & MILO, the magnetically insulated line oscillator. Finally, efforts in cyber security and information warfare, IW, included many months of using AGI’s STK satellite tracking programs, some Java and C, an IDL program plus TLE analysis. In summary, it is time to resume my lifelong, interest in advanced, R&D work.


Job Skills
