Hello, I discovered your services through Glassdoor. I am submitting my resume for your review and consideration for any position in which I can serve as a mediator, meeting/dialogue facilitator or conflict resolution skills trainer. Additionally, I will consider any other position for which you believe I am a qualified candidate. Currently, I am a certified mediator in private practice and I am seeking opportunities to expand my career in working with start up companies or companies reorganizing through a merger or acquisition. I am a talented administrator who can create order out of chaos and successfully manage critical situations with a smile. I am ready to launch a new and successful career in 2015, so I am open to exploring all opportunities. Although I have an extensive sales, marketing and business development background, I am seeking to leverage that experience into working with a company that appreciates professionalism, integrity and versatility. Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss career opportunities with your agency. I look forward to talking with you soon. Thank you, Susan M. Sulc

