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RssSenior Graphic Designer

With many years of graphic design experience under my belt, I'm confident that I can communicate with visuals and written words effectively. I also learn something new everyday. It's a delicate dance. I welcome the opportunity to solve creative challenges that are put before me. In my experience at major corporate communication and publishing firms, I have worked under pressure and with leaders in senior positions, producing a high-level product at all times. I am looking for more of this kind of challenge as I grow in my career. Thinking conceptually to solve a visual problem has its rewards, and challenges. I'm a firm believer in effective communication, no matter the medium. Decorated paper and pixels serve no purpose. Design has a job to do much like a pair of pliers. Speaking of tools, I've used just about all of them to create many different pieces for print and/or electronic media. Creating effective digital and traditional advertising and collateral materials is where my heart resides. In my career I have been fortunate to be given the opportunity to create many different pieces for print and/or electronic media. For example, web banners and web ads of all sizes, email templates, splash screens, PowerPoint slides, interactive Adobe .pdf’s, custom designs for popular social media outlets, magazine layout, direct mail pieces, teen curriculum, logos, brochures, letterhead, business cards, banners, t-shirts, snowboard designs, comic strips and artwork for children. Another function that I've enjoyed providing past employers with is desktop publishing Macintosh technical support.

Graphic Design

About Me


Marketing & Advertising


Graphic Design

Education level:


Will Relocate:
