*Twenty years' experience with high-volume manufacturer, *Responsible for all environmental compliance, and Facilities *Environmental waste treatment *Waste minimization plan * toxic release inventory reporting * Waste water recycle program responsible for water quality for process * general leader *internal and external reporting SB-14 report. Storm water reporting, SMR-self monitoring reporting HMBP Annual report PBR reports Bay area air quality report Responsible for maintain water quality and Equipment machinery ( PMS) replace-repaired of Pumps motors plumbing, metering pumps calibration, measurement of waste water and DI water, TDS- Conductivity and metals, chemical handling, Responsible for maintain all Equipment in good working condition as required. Deal with the city getting permits. Such a building permits/electrical/ plumbing for new construction or remodeling. Deal with outside contractors. When required. e 40 hours Hazwoper certified, forklift certified,