Hello and my name is Timothy David Goodhue. I am a hands on and love marketing for the right price. I like one day set away to being and one day control the economy and set the high plans to help build a world made easy. I mean take a look at this I made a plan to set the economy in the Next ten years to be 9.1 trillion dollars in the + .here's my proof.Here is my proposal for how to fix the US budget deficit. It is based on data from the Congressional Budget Office's report Reducing the Deficit: Spending and Revenue Options. ----- NEW SPENDING CUTS ----- $-88.0 billion over ten years - Add a Public Plan to the Health Insurance Exchanges $-31.4 billion over ten years - Adopt a Voucher Plan and Slow the Growth of Federal Contributions for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program $-88.5 billion over ten years - Apply the Social Security Benefit Formula to Individual Years of Earnings $-525 million over ten years - Authorize maintenance and location fees for hardrock mining on federal lands $-112.0 billion over ten years - Base Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustments on an Alternative Measure of Inflation $-1.6 billion over ten years - Cancel the Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle $-12.0 billion over ten years - Cancel the Navy and Marine Corps' Joint Strike Fighters and Replace Those Aircraft with F/A-18E/Fs $-17.3 billion over ten years - Cap Increases in Military Basic Pay $-52.0 billion over ten years - Change the Interest Rate Structure for Student Loans $-1.9 billion over ten years - Charge fees to offset the cost of federal rail safety activities $-2.0 billion over ten years - Charge transactions fees to fund the Commodity Futures Trading Commission $-843 million over ten years - Collect new fees for the Food and Drug Administration $-69.4 billion over ten years - Consolidate and Reduce Federal Payments for Graduate Medical Education Costs at Teaching Hospitals $-8.4 billion over ten years - Consolidate the Department of Defense's Retail Activities and Provide a Grocery Allowance to Service Members $-287.5 billion over ten years - Convert the Federal Share of Medicaid's Payments for Long-Term Care Services into a Block Grant|Index the grant to changes in the ECI $-5.1 billion over ten years - Delay Fielding of the Army's Ground Combat Vehicle $-4.8 billion over ten years - Drop Wealthier Communities from the Community Development Block Grant Program $-14.2 billion over ten years - Eliminate Certain Grant Programs for Elementary and Secondary Education $-25.0 billion over ten years - Eliminate Federal Grants for Wastewater and Drinking Water Infrastructure $-9.9 billion over ten years - Eliminate Funding for National Community Service Programs $-29.9 billion over ten years - Eliminate Intercity Rail Subsidies $-18.4 billion over ten years - Eliminate Subsidized Loans to Graduate Students $-62.2 billion over ten years - Eliminate the Critical Access Hospital Medicare-Dependent Hospital and Sole Community Hospital Programs in Medicare $-2.3 billion over ten years - Eliminate the Department of Energy's Grants to States for Energy Conservation and Weatherization $-3.7 billion over ten years - Eliminate the International Trade Administration's Trade Promotion Activities or Charge the Beneficiaries $-8.2 billion over ten years - Eliminate the Senior Community Service Employment Program $-62.4 billion over ten years - End Enrollment in VA Medical Care for Veterans in Priority Groups 7 and 8 $-11.6 billion over ten years - Finance the Food Safety and Inspection Service Through Fees $-21.3 billion over ten years - Impose Cost Sharing for the First 20 Days of a Stay in a Skilled Nursing Facility Under Medicare $-354 million over ten years - Impose fees on users of the St. Lawrence Seaway $-816 million over ten years - Impose fees that recover the costs of pesticide and new-chemical registration $-12.5 billion over ten years - Increase Cost Sharing for Pharmaceuticals Under TRICARE $-20.8 billion over ten years - Increase Fees for Aviation Security $-4.3 billion over ten years - Increase Fees for Use of the Inland Waterway System $-26.5 billion over ten years - Increase Guarantee Fees Charged by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac $-28.1 billion over ten years - Increase Medical Cost Sharing for Military Retirees Who Are Not Yet Eligible for Medicare $-25.4 billion over ten years - Increase Payments by Tenants in Federally Assisted Housing $-241.2 billion over ten years - Increase the Basic Premium for Medicare Part B to 35 Percent of the Program's Costs $-43.0 billion over ten years - Introduce Minimum Out-of-Pocket Requirements Under TRICARE For Life $-85.6 billion over ten years - Limit Highway Funding to Expected Highway Revenues $-62.4 billion over ten years - Limit Medical Malpractice Torts $-105.2 billion over ten years - Limit the TRICARE Benefit for Military Retirees and Their Dependents $-136.6 billion over ten years - Link Initial Social Security Benefits to Average Prices Instead of Average Earnings|Implement pure price indexing $-3.5 billion over ten years - Lower the Loan Limits on Mortgages Guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac $-10.6 billion over ten years - Prohibit New Enrollment in the Conservation Stewardship Program $-124.8 billion over ten years - Raise the Age of Eligibility for Medicare to 67 $-143.9 billion over ten years - Raise the Earliest Eligibility Age for Social Security $-119.9 billion over ten years - Raise the Full Retirement Age in Social Security $-5.5 billion over ten years - Reduce Department of Energy Funding for Energy Technology Development|Reduce Funding for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research Development and Demonstration $-3.5 billion over ten years - Reduce Department of Energy Funding for Energy Technology Development|Reduce Funding for Nuclear Energy Research Development and Demonstration $-7.3 billion over ten years - Reduce Funding for Certain Department of Justice Grants $-5.0 billion over ten years - Reduce Funding for the Arts and Humanities $-931.8 billion over ten years - Reduce Growth in Appropriations for Agencies Other Than the Department of Defense|Reduce Funding by 1 Percent Annually $-92.6 billion over ten years - Reduce Medicare Costs by Changing the Cost-Sharing Structures for Medicare and Medigap Insurance|Establish uniform cost sharing and restrict medigap plans $-46.7 billion over ten years - Reduce Medicare's Payment Rates Across the Board in High-Spending Areas $-9.6 billion over ten years - Reduce by 20 Percentage Points the Share of a Farmer's Base Acreage Eligible for USDA Payments $-37.8 billion over ten years - Reduce or Constrain Funding for the National Institutes of Health|Reduce 2012 Funding Level and Allow Growth at Rate of Inflation $-50.3 billion over ten years - Reduce the Across-the-Board Adjustment for Federal Civilian Employees' Pay $-182.0 billion over ten years - Reduce the Floor on Federal Matching Rates for Medicaid Services $-861.9 billion over ten years - Reduce the Growth in Appropriations for the Department of Defense|Reduce Funding by 1 Percent Annually $-11.8 billion over ten years - Reduce the Premium Subsidy in the Crop Insurance Program $-6.9 billion over ten years - Reduce the Size of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve $-26.9 billion over ten years - Replace the Joint Strike Fighter Program with F-16s and F/A-18s $-112.0 billion over ten years - Require Manufacturers to Pay a Minimum Rebate on Drugs Covered Under Medicare Part D for Low-Income Beneficiaries $-40.2 billion over ten years - Require a Copayment for Home Health Episodes Covered by Medicare $-2.8 billion over ten years - Terminate the Medium Extended Air Defense System Program $-1.3 billion over ten years - Terminate the Precision Tracking Space System Program $-3.6 billion over ten years - Transfer the Tennessee Valley Authority's Electric Utility Functions and Associated Assets and Liabilities $-160 million over ten years - Use state formulas to set grazing fees for federal lands ----- NEW REVENUE ----- $309.5 billion over ten years - Accelerate and Modify the Excise Tax on High-Cost Health Care Coverage $219.0 billion over ten years - Curtail the Deduction for Charitable Giving $53.7 billion over ten years - Eliminate the Source-Rules Exception for Exports $10.0 billion over ten years - End the Expensing of Exploration and Development Costs for Extractive Industries $76.2 billion over ten years - Exempt Active Foreign Dividends from U.S. Taxation and Change the Tax Treatment of Overhead Expenses $96.1 billion over ten years - Expand Social Security Coverage to Include Newly Hired State and Local Government Employees $241.4 billion over ten years - Extend the Period for Depreciating the Cost of Certain Investments $214.6 billion over ten years - Gradually Eliminate the Mortgage Interest Deduction $2.5 trillion over ten years - Impose a 5 Percent Value-Added Tax|Broad base $70.9 billion over ten years - Impose a Fee on Large Financial Institutions $1.2 trillion over ten years - Impose a Price on Emissions of Greenhouse Gases $311.5 billion over ten years - Include Employer-Paid Premiums for Income Replacement Insurance in Employees' Taxable Income $259.5 billion over ten years - Include Investment Income from Life Insurance and Annuities in Taxable Income $59.9 billion over ten years - Increase All Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages to $16 per Proof Gallon $100.7 billion over ten years - Increase Corporate Income Tax Rates by 1 Percentage Point $290.9 billion over ten years - Increase Excise Taxes on Motor Fuels by 25 Cents $714.9 billion over ten years - Increase Individual Income Tax Rates|Raise all ordinary tax rates, AMT rates, and dividend and capital gains rates by 1 percentage point $456.8 billion over ten years - Increase the Maximum Taxable Earnings for the Social Security Payroll Tax $650.9 billion over ten years - Increase the Payroll Tax Rate for Medicare Hospital Insurance by 1 Percentage Point $862.1 billion over ten years - Limit or Eliminate the Deduction for State and Local Taxes|End the current itemized deduction $1.2 trillion over ten years - Limit the Tax Benefit of Itemized Deductions to 15 Percent $116.8 billion over ten years - Modify or Eliminate the Child Tax Credit|Eliminate the child tax credit $48.7 billion over ten years - Raise Tax Rates on Capital Gains $45.9 billion over ten years - Reduce Limits on Contributions to Retirement Plans $19.9 billion over ten years - Reinstate the Superfund Taxes $97.5 billion over ten years - Repeal the 'LIFO' and 'Lower of Cost or Market' Inventory Accounting Methods $163.1 billion over ten years - Repeal the Deduction for Domestic Production Activities $282.0 billion over ten years - Repeal the Individual Health Insurance Mandate $142.7 billion over ten years - Replace the Tax Exclusion for Interest Income on State and Local Bonds with a Direct Subsidy for the Issuer $21.4 billion over ten years - Tax Carried Interest as Ordinary Income $438.2 billion over ten years - Tax Social Security and Railroad Retirement Benefits in the Same Way That Distributions from Defined-Benefit Pensions Are Taxed $114.2 billion over ten years - Tax the Worldwide Income of U.S. Corporations As It Is Earned $72.0 billion over ten years - Use an Alternative Measure of Inflation to Index Some Parameters of the Tax Code So know one really looks at what i have to say but take my words and put it on a graft and see that it's not a lie.

