
William S

Licensed Nurse - 20 Years of Experience - Near 70757


Licensed Nurse

Education Level:

Trade School

Will Relocate:



I really Love Nursing, have lots of years in Long term care. But, have to be honest with myself and my prospective employer. I have some chronic pain concerns that I am working with the Doctor about and I would like to work in Hospice doing some one on one, in what they call a 24 hour assessment , or Maybe nights in a nursing Home. I have experience in supervisory roles just something that not going to cost me more in medical bills and pain. Then, I know this Statement may take away any interests Employer might have in me. I would still like to work in corrections, I know I could be a great asset in mental Health and Alzheimer's care. I can do many kinds of nursing well. I can fault employers for wanting someone that move fast, However, I make up for my limitations through planning correctly, and actually do pretty well with time management.



