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RssDirector Manufacturing/ HR Generalist

Find a chllenging work enviroment that combines my years of experience in both HR Management and Producttion Managaement. My unique skill set brings a perspective and experience level. I've done major Operating Budgets as well as Capital Projects over $150 million and in Operating Budgets won Awards year after year for my budgeting and ability to meet my own budget goals. I also bring years of HR experience in both Union and non Union Production environments. So the combintation of HR and ecperience on the fron lines of Production would make me a terrific asset to any organization. I do process engineering and made huge improbements in my areas of Production experience, Again with the HR background I bring a unique perspective to either HR or any Manufacturing Management porsition. Years of experience in both and terrific references!! JUst get me an interview and I will be updating my resume online soon. I have it but it's on my other PC which is dead at the moment but is being repaird or replaced. I cn also put together a mew one on short notive if need be. Thanks for the consideration in advance. I don't have any problem with lower level management to prove myself as long as there is an oppoortunity for advancement. A female in a lead Production Role is always unusual and I have some AMAZING experience that makes me qualified for any HR or Manufacturing Management job. Please call if you heave questions and again I will update my remuse online or just do a new one and add it to my profile. What I bring in expeience is worth more than anythng you can learn in school though at sone point I would like to finish my degree. I would be an asset to any orgaization and my resume outline in detail my accomplishments and acheivements both in HR and Production in effectienticies and progressive ideas for saving money without loss of quality!! Again my unique skill set brings a great mix to either HR or Prouction Management and I'm more than willing to start lower as long as there are opportunities to move up within the organization! Just get me an interview and I won't let you or the company down...I promise! I will update my resmue and post it asap, but call if you have anything of interest and I can get you one asap. Thanks again for the opportunity adn I won't let you down. NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL!! Willing to TRAVEL and/or RELOCATE!! !!Thanks in advance, Heidi J Draper

Administrative Services Manager

About Me


Management & Business


Administrative Services Manager

Education level:


Will Relocate:

