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Rss94S Patriot Missile System Repairer - 3 yeaes Experience

Dear Hiring Professional: Please consider this letter of introduction as an expression of my interest in exploring career opportunities with your organization. My resume outlining my professional experience is enclosed for your review and consideration. It provides valuable details regarding my qualifications, training, and experience. As my résumé reveals, I have three years as a Patriot System Repairer for the United States Army, where I have had a proven track record of successfully planning, organizing, coordinating, and overseeing a full range of basic and complex maintenance activities, fault isolation, troubleshooting, diagnostics, and complex technical work of the diverse missile electronic system and mechanical components. During this period, I have gained a thorough understanding of all issues that apply to inspection and repair of the missile system and related logistics management. I have gained experience maintaining and repairing complex missile electronics, radar, communication and hydraulic systems. I am able to follow blueprints and manufacturers’ specifications and use internal and external test instruments. I am skilled in applying aggressive maintenance procedures to minimize problems with equipment before breakdowns occur. I have extensive experience in applying diagnostics to test faulty equipment and ensure functional operation of electronic components and circuits by using oscilloscopes, signal generators, ammeters, and voltmeters. Computer literate using MS-Office and other business related software. I possess a SECRET Security Clearance and an excellent record of reliability and achievement. Throughout the past three years, I have managed diverse electronic related projects and had a proven record of success achieved through diligence, hard work, attention to detail, and have demonstrated the ability to promote efficient operations and orderly delivery of services. In all capacities, I consistently distinguished myself as a knowledgeable, well-organized, and highly capable professional. In the past, this combination of skills has allowed me to make significant contributions to bottom-line efficiency. With a solid track record behind me, I am confident I can do the same for you. Although practical in nature, my résumé cannot convey the full level of enthusiasm and energy I bring to new challenges. I’d be very interested in speaking with you to explore how my skills, strengths, and experience can benefit your organization. I look forward to speaking with you. In the interim, thank you for your attention, consideration, and forthcoming response. Sincerely, Lucas L. Plogger Enclosure

Assistant Buyer

About Me


Merchandising, Purchasing & Retail


Assistant Buyer

Education level:

Some College Units Completed

Will Relocate:
