Mounir KHELLADI Beni Mester, Tlemcen 13120, Algeria Phone : +213 771 547 984 Objective The aim is to advance the state of the art of photonic devices (i.e. components and sub-systems such as transmitters and receivers, lasers and light sources) in application fields and to develop advanced products with a view to industrialization. Focus is on new device technologies and architectures, including as appropriate the related materials, processing and device integration issues. Research actions should address: Optical data communications, Solid-State Lighting and Lasers for industrial processing. Summary Optics and photonics technologies are ubiquitous: they are responsible for the displays on smart phones and computing devices, optical fiber that carries the information in the internet, advanced precision manufacturing, enhanced defense capabilities, and a plethora of medical diagnostics tools. The opportunities arising from optics and photonics offer the potential for even greater societal impact in the next few decades, including solar power generation and new efficient lighting that could transform the nation’s energy landscape and new optical capabilities that will be essential to support the continued exponential growth of the internet. Teaching interests 1. Nonlinear Optics, Geometrical Optics, Wave Optics and Integrated optics 2. Lasers Systems 3. Semi Conductors 4. Optoelectronics ( LED, LDs ) 5. Electronics (Components, Circuits, Signals, …) Education PhD in Telecommunication University of Tlemcen – Algeria, March 2010 Dissertation Title: Nonlinear Propagation of an Ultrashort laser Pulse in Titanium Sapphire MS in Signals and Systems University of Tlemcen – Algeria, November 2005 Dissertation Title: Propagation of an Ultrashort lasers Pulses in Medium: Frequency-Time Decomposition Electronics Engineer University of Tlemcen – Algeria, October 1998 Dissertation Title: Contribution to the Realization of an Automatic System for the Recognition of Isolated words Employment /Teaching Experience Nonlinear Optics, Geometrical Optics, Wave Optics, Wave guided, Semi conductor lasers. Telecommunication Optics (Modulators, Detectors, Photodetectors, filters, Amplifier,....) Electronics (Components, Circuits, Modulation,...) Semi Conductors Publications International Publications 1. KHELLADI. M, SEDDIKI Omar, BENDIMERAD Fethi Tarik. “TIME-FREQUENCY DECOMPOSITION OF AN ULTRASHORT PULSE: WAVELET DECOMPOSITION”. Radioengineering journal, April 2008. 2. KHELLADI.M, Omar SEDDIKI. “ Modélisation d’impulsions lasers ultra brèves ». Journal Afrique Science 04 (2) (2008) 167-185 ISSN 1813-548X 3. KHELLADI.M, SEDDIKI Omar, BENDIMERAD Fethi Tarik. “Nonlinear Effect of an ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation in Ti:sapphire Crystal”, Journal Computational and Theoritical Nanoscience, July 2009. 4. KHELLADI.M, “Femtosecond Laser Pulse Propagation in Novel Fiber: Tellurite Glass Codoped Er3+/Tm3+”, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics (JNO), Vol 6, 2011. 5. KHELLADI.M, “Femtosecond Laser Pulse Propagation in ZBLAN glasses”. Journal of Computational and theoretical nanoscience (JCTN). International Communications 1. KHELLADI.M, O.SEDDIKI, A.BELAID. « Analyse par ondelettes d’impulsions laser ultra-courtes » Cinquième Conférence Internationale sur la Science des Matériaux (CSM5), Beyrouth-Liban, 17-19 Mai 2006. 2. KHELLADI.M, SEDDIKI.O, BENDIMERAD.F.T, “Ultrashort laser pulses propagation in chalcogenide fiber: linear regime”, International Conference on Materials Informatics and DFT, University Abou Bekr Belkaid, Tlemcen, Algeria 11-13 October 2008. 3. KHELLADI.M, SEDDIKI.O, "Nonlinear Propagation of an ultrashort laser pulse in titanium sapphire”. Première école thématique, Sources lasers et photonique-SLP du 28 mars au 02 Mai, 2010. Other details Computers Skills Computers languages: Fortran, Pascal Scientific Applications: Matlab, Maple Software Simulators: COMSIS, LabView, OptiSystem, OptiSim Office Applications: MS-office Languages Arabic, French, English References Prof. Bendimerad. F.Tarik Director of Telecommunication laboratory Telecommunication Department University of Tlemcen – Algeria Email: Telephone (+213) 43285689 Prof. Omar Seddiki Department in chief and he is my Chair University of Tlemcen – Algeria Email: Telephone (+213) 43285689 Prof. Mohamed Chikh Bled Master graduate and he is my Professor University of Tlemcen – Algeria Email: Telephone (+213) 779 629 231 Prof. Boukli N. Hacen Master Graduate and he is my Professor University of Tlemcen – Algeria Email: Telephone (+213) 43285685


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