SATHISHKUMAR Current Address:-M/s ARAB HEAVY INDUSTRIES, P.O:-256, Al zora Dry Dock , Ajman UAE Mobile No : (00971) 555132342 E-mail : Objective Obtain a position where by I can apply acquire knowledge & skills, working in a team environment, there by continuously growing & contributing to the main objective of organization. Qualification • Bachelor in Mechanical Engg. (Year 2004) – A.M.A.C.E Kancheepuram, TN India. • Post Graduate in MBA -Human recourses (Year 2007) – From Periyyar Institute Distance Education, Salem University, India. Certificate of Proficiency • CSWIP 3.1(WIS-5) Qualified Welding Inspector (TWI Cambridge UK). Cert. No.120523. • ASNT Level-II in 1) Radiography Testing 2) Magnetic Particle Testing 3). Dye Penetration Testing. 4) Ultrasonic Testing. • Certified Six Sigma Green Belt by Chicago Management Training Institute – Dubai @ 2013 • Internal Lead Auditor for ISO-9001:2008 by ABS Dubai • Internal Lead Auditor for OSHA 18001:2007 by ABS Dubai Project Undertaken 1. Offshore structures(Platforms) like Jacket, Bridge & Deck • HB Platform, Jacket, Bridge for – Vanoord Company – Singapore. • MTCC Offshore oil Platform Project for – Kuwait Petroleum • Rigs and Jigs Development Project Phase II- KEPPEL Group. • Currently working for Rigs Project – KOM Project as a Team Leader 2. Offshore Rig for Oil and Gas • Repair & Modification of FD-VII Rig for - LYNEMOUTH DRILLING SA. • Repair & Modification of Sagar-Uday Rig - ONGC India Experience (9 Years) 1. M/s Arab Heavy Industries – Ajman, UAE Senior Engineer - Quality Control Since JAN 2005 to May 2007 Job Profile in KPPC Fabrication Yard. • Inspection of fit-up of components including pressure vessels, piping, structural members, nozzles, fittings, and its clearance for welding. • Inspection of material identification with respective test certificates, and necessary documents, and ensuring that all materials are meeting the requirements of customer. • Reviewing of all welding procedures and ensuring that proper WPS is used. • Visual examination of all welds and carrying out proper NDE as per customer approved NDE plan. • Carrying out all stage wise inspection activities in the ongoing job, and ensuring that all the operations being carried out in the site are as per approved standards and codes. • Preparation of NDE Drawings and recording necessary changes in the form Design Change Note. • Ensuring that welders are properly qualified and proper consumables are used in the job. • Controlling the dimension of the entire module within tolerance. • Attending Quality Review Meeting regularly and exploring the solution for the site oriented problems. • Co-ordination with Third Parties like Lloyds, TUV, ABS, DNV, BV & EIL Client Representatives, sub-contractors, vendors, site engineers and all internal departments to clear the job. • Preparing necessary reports and reviewing with Third Parties and client Representatives to clear the job. • Preparation of certificates for the manufactured product. • Follow up with all concerned procurement dept for the clearance activities. • Consistent solving of site problems. • Maintaining all the International standards for Project. Familiar with all sophisticated equipment & instruments like Hardness tester, PMI Tester, Thickness measurement Gauge. • Reviewing of NDE Techniques like UT, MPT, LPT & RT. • Preparing the final dossier (Manufacturing Data Report). 2. M/s TECHNOMENT, KUWAIT QA Engineer From June 2007 to April 2009 (2 Years). Job Profile • Study of design data sheet furnished by the client. • Check the specifications as per applicability of various codes like ASME, PD 5500, TEMA, and IBR used for design of pressure vessels, boilers & heat exchangers. • Specify various limitations as per codes. If there is something beyond the scope & limitations of the code (whether due to material specification or other), conveying it to the customer. Preparation of Quality Assurance Plan, Inspection & Test Plan, Painting Procedure, and Hydro Test Procedure used for pressure vessels & heat exchangers. • Finally achieving approval from the customer as well as Third parties like EIL, LRA, and IBR. During the execution of project at shop floor, solving technical difficulties faced from Quality point of view. 3. M/s Rajesh Automobiles LLC Quality Control Engineer From June 2004 to May 2006 (2 Years). Job Profile in Larsen & Toubro Modular Fabrication Facility • Inspection of fit-up of components including pressure vessels, piping, structural members, nozzles, fittings, and its clearance for welding • Inspection of material identification with respective test certificates, and necessary documents, and ensuring that all materials are meeting the requirements of customer. • Reviewing of all welding procedures and ensuring that proper WPS is used in the on job parameters. • Visual examination of all welds and carrying out proper NDE as per customer approved NDE plan. • Carrying out all stage wise inspection activities in the ongoing job, and ensuring that all the operations being carried out in the site are as per approved standards and codes. • Preparation of NDE Drawings and recording necessary changes in the form Design Change Note. • Ensuring that welders are properly qualified and proper consumables are used in the job. • Controlling the dimension of the entire module within tolerance. • Attending Quality Review Meeting regularly and exploring the solution for the site oriented problems. • Co-ordination with Third Parties like Lloyds, TUV, BVIS, CEIL, DNV, ABS, BV & EIL Client Representatives, Consultants, sub-contractors, vendors, site engineers and all internal departments to clear the job. • Preparing necessary reports and reviewing with Third Parties, and client Representatives to clear the job. • Follow up with all concerned procurement dept for the clearance activities. • Consistent solving of site problems. • Maintaining all the International standards for Project. Familiar with all sophisticated equipment & instruments like Hardness tester, PMI Tester, Thickness measurement Gauge. • Reviewing of NDE Techniques like UT, MPT, LPT & RT. • Preparing the final dossier (Manufacturing Data Report). Knowledge of Codes • ASME SECTION VIII DIV. 1 & DIV. 2 • ASME SECTION IX & ASME SECTION II-A, II-B & II-C. • ASME SECTION V, EEMUA 158 • IBR, AWS D1.1, API 2B, API 5L. Computer Skills • M.S. Office, Internet & Auto-CAD. Other Information • Acted as a Team Member in Internal & External Audits (ISO, API & ASME). • Attended training on ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHAS-18001, API Q1, API 5L, API 2B. Personal Information Date of Birth : 02th Sep 1982 Marital Status : Single Address : PO Box:250, Ajman, UAE Language Known : English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil & Telugu. Passport No. : M2953313 Valid up to 25.02.2024
