27. for Ground Water Recharging Structures in Hambantota District by using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of Engineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, 22nd December 2011. 13. Design a Gravity Wheel for Mineral Transport and Power Generation, Proceedings of the conference of the 6th Annual Conference on "Minerals and Innovative thinking", 25th November 2011. 14. Demarcation of potential Sites for Construction Material Using RS and GIS Techniques in Eastern Province, Sri Lanka, Proceedings of the conference of the 5th Annual Conference on "Earth Resources for National Developments", 24th September 2010. 15. Development of a Flood Hazard Zonation Map for 'Kaluganga' basing by GIS modelling, Proceedings of the conference of the 4th Annual Conference on "Towards the Sustainable Management of Earth Resources", 29th May 2009. 16. Hydrological Analysis of Sooriyawewa Area using Remote Sensing and GIS techniques, Proceedings of the conference of the 4th Annual Conference on "Towards the Sustainable Management of Earth Resources", 29th May 2009. 17. Application of GIS modelling for Development of a Flood Hazard Zonation Map for Kalu Ganga Basin, 6th National Symposium on Geo-Infomatics- Session 03, 31st July 2009 18. Flow behaviour of Mineral Particle through conical silos, Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of Engineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa, 22nd October 2008. 19. Remote sensing and GIS approach for Tsunami Damage Assessment-A case study, Proceedings of the conference of the 2nd Annual Conference on "Minerals for better future", 2nd November 2007. 20. Prospecting Geothermal Energy from hot water springs at Padiyathalawa, Proceedings of the conference on mining for sustainable development, 17th October 2006. 21. Problems of Groundwater in connection with abandoned open pit mines. Proceedings of the conference on mining for sustainable development, 17th October 2006. 22. Generation of user friendly spatial information system for the rehabilitation and restoration of small scale irrigation schemes in selected 5 divisional secretariat divisions in Hambantota Districts. Proceedings of the conference on mining for sustainable development, 17th October 2006. 23. Sword ferns for phytoremediation of chromium contaminated waters Proceedings of the conference on mining for sustainable development, 17th October 2006. 24. Exploration of Ilmenite potential in and around Kalu and Benthara river mouths with special reference to the variation of TiO2 content along selected streach of kalu ganga. Proceedings of the conference on mining for sustainable development, 17th October 2006. 25. Remote Sensing and GIS approach for delineating and characterization of Groundwater potential zones in Hard Rock Terrain, Map Asia 2006 held on 29th Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Delineating the Ground Water International workshop on ombining and reportinganalytical results-the role of (metrological) traceabilityand (measurement) uncertainty forcomparing analytical resultsRome 6-8 march 2006organized byagenzia per la protezione dell'ambiente e per i servizi tecnici (APAT) and International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). 28. Natural and Enhanced Remediation of chromium Contaminated waters Proceedings of the 11th Annual Symposium 2005 Engineering Research Unit University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka (11th September 2005). 29. Effect of soil and water conservation measures on land use/ land cover in Karso watershed Second National Symposium on Geo-Informatics August 26 2005 in Sri Lanka 30. Remote Sensing and GIS approach for delineating groundwater potential zones in a hard rock terrain Second National Symposium on Geo-Informatics August 26 2005 Sri Lanka 31. Identification of the influence of large scale clay mining activities on climate change in Sri Lanka Climate Change Enabling Activity - Phase II programme conducted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Sri Lanka 2003. 32. A case study of road failure along an irrigation canal in Bangkok plain Annual Transactions 2005 The Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka. 33. Remote Sensing and GIS approach for delineating Groundwater Potential and Quality Suitability-Giri Valley Catchment Dissertation submitted as a partial fulfilment of the procurement of the Postgraduate Diploma course in Remote Sensing and GIS 27th June 2005. 34. Evaluating possibility of upgrading Sri Lankan beach mineral sands by chlorination process to manufacture synthetic Rutile and Titanium pigments Dissertation submitted as a partial fulfilment of the Our Nation and the Sea Initiative Training Programme April 2005. 35. Application of Reverse Osmosis for Purification of Saline water to address the Impact of Droughts due to seasonal changes in Dry Zone of Sri Lanka presented 2nd December 2004 seminar organized by the National Institute for International Development South Korea
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