Julian Paige 4132 West 59th Place Los Angeles, CA 90043 E: P: 310-721-2564 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to apply for the position of Project Manager/Consultant. I am confident that my skill set well aligns with this role, and that I would be an excellent fit for your organization. My enthusiasm, teamwork, and commitment to excellence have served me well over the years. I possess strong Leadership skills as I was employed by Northrop Grumman Corp.for 31 yrs. 3 months of which 15 yrs where in a management role starting with Production Supervisor, Production Manager, and my last assignment as a Project Manager until my retirement in Oct. 2012 . I learned and accomplished a great deal in my many years in Management at NGC such as teaming, ethics, quality, lean manufacturing techniques, six sigma, cross-functional managing, cost and schedule commitments must of all they taught me how to manage people and be sure the employees are to be treated with respect and dignity. I believe my experiences and track record make me an excellent fit for this opportunity. I have enclosed my resume for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me via phone or e-mail at a time of your convenience. Sincerely, Julian Paige 310-721-2564


Job Skills
