I have worked in three high threat countries for the past ten years, (Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan). All assignments I functioned as a team member, Team Leader, Agent-in- Charge and instructor. My primary duties included, providing close protection for US Diplomats, members of Congress, visiting VIPs and high-ranking host country personnel. My day to day missions required expert knowledge and tactics such as; advanced driving techniques, motorcade formations, Advance team deployments to obtain critical knowledge of an area prior to VIP’s arrival, foot formations for high threat areas, classroom instruction in all aspects of security details, weapons deployments, tactics, vehicle and PRS techniques. I would like to put the past experience, training, into working for a law enforcement agency, company providing security, protection and peace of mind.

Alaska Humanitarian Award for Heroism; Red Cross Humanitarian Award; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Expeditionary Medal for War on Terrorism; Army Service Ribbon; Alaska Community Service Ribbon; Combat Infantry Badge. Meritorious Service Award- Dept of State.Companies I like:
Boeing, Microsoft, Dept of Energy, Dept of State, Dept of Defense.

