Research Center (CRC) 40+ Hours per week in several universities in Sudan, including: the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Khartoum We studied the deciduous forests of the North western US. I conducted research on white-tailed deer including mapping and sampling of its habitat types determining habitat selection home range size and structure and conducted behavior and population dynamics studies using radio-telemetry and GIS technologies. I took part in research projects studying deer small mammals and birds. I trained numerous research assistants and volunteers in field biology and data collection on fauna and flora. 40+ Hours per week * A consulting study to help establish Al-Kouf National Park in Libya sponsored by the Arab League's Arab Center for The Study of Arid and Dry Lands Damascus Syria. * 1975-1980 Director Wildlife Research Center Agricultural Research Corporation Khartoum Sudan. 40+ Hours per week * I managed the center's logistics and professionals and supporting staff and budget. We had 9 professionals and 6 supporting staff. We received international researchers who worked on specific conservation issues. I managed the staff provided training when needed and submitted annual performance evaluations. I was member of the agricultural Research corporation management committee designated for overall management of the Corporation as well as member of the technical committee which approved research programs as well as cooperation projects with international institutions. * We trained the wildlife department staff including game wardens and game scouts. * I set goals and supervised research conducted by the center. I advised the Wildlife Department of Sudan on national conservation planning and management of protected areas. We worked all over the country. Our primary protected areas were in Blue Nile Province in Eastern Sudan including Dinder National Park and in Darfur province including Radom National Park. We also worked in protected areas in Southern Central and Northern Sudan. The center was the scientific authority for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
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