Simulated Drafted or reviewed engineering reports and deep foundation design (pile/drill shaft) using AASHTO and FHWA LRFD methods for four (4) multi span flyover structures and twenty two (22) span bridge across Lake BDM located in project site. Interpretation and synthesis of extensive subsurface investigation results (soil borings, lab test data, settlement/pore pressure field monitoring data, field test data from pressuremeter and vane shear) and performed engineering analysis on driven pile/drill shaft (drivability/down-drag force/rock end bearing capacity) to suggest a most cost effective and economic solution within project budget/time scope. dynamic lateral displacement of landslide occurred during the Kobe earthquake with adaptive Newmark block analysis as a coursework project. Evaluated the eternal displacement through a pseudo-static analysis based on the actual accelerogram record measured from several monitoring stations near the epicenter after signal preprocessing - bandpass filtering and signal clipping with respects to soil yield coefficients through Fourier transformation. (Conference Paper Published) Investigated subsurface soils underneath newly constructed roads next to residence areas showing high concentration levels of PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) over SCTL (soil cleanup target level). Assisted remedial works requested by former JAX Raceway owner in replacing the impacted dirts with clean one. Resolved the dispute between the adjacent property owners and the client with explaining limit of liability. Sampled soils and monitored the analytical results on semi-volatile constituents and metals in making decision on the remedial action. Performed subsurface investigation for detention pond liner design and storm water basin evaluation with reference to USCS and USDA/NRCS. Checked alternative options using EPDM or GCL per Wisconsin DNR technical standard. Proposed well-point system to lower the site groundwater level during detention pond construction in considering permeable site soil condition.
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