Summary Provide maintenance support, supervising the maintenance of buildings, grounds, and processing, packaging laboratory and facility operation. Major Accomplishments Energy Conservation team - With my electrical back ground I was a major contributor to this team. We implemented several major projects + Project to upgrade lighting in all the warehouses saving approximately $80k per year with a ROI of 15 months + Started a program to repair any compressed air leaks saving thousands of $ + Changed well pumps to VFD control results in a $20K per year savings. Performance improvement team - This team was tasked to improve over all site performance during plant closure process + Implemented site incentive program to improve attendance +Implemented a change that enables us to use controlled documents for up to one week. TL Capper improvement team - This team was tasked to improve down time on the capper for Visine bottles. This was a Green Belt project using Six Sigma techniques + Reduced change over time by 15 minutes by using pre made fixtures for easy adjustments. + Achieved a 15% improvement in mean time between failures. Mixer Improvement team - This team was tasked to identify and implement upgrades to increase the reliability of mixers and manufacturing support equipment at Parsippany. + Implemented FMEA to itemize and prioritize failures that could result in loss batch + Identified a major potential contamination path from the automation clean in place system. Hazmat team - Participated as active member of team on several spill clean ups and during site drill with several local and county rescue teams and fire departments.


Job Skills
