Wellness physician consulting and overall determiming course of care plan with team cognitive behabioral amd minfful meditative skills, stress reduction, consult provide exercise and nutrition, integrated approach using mind-body eastern and western modalities. I am medical acupuncturuist, do facial rejuvination w acupunture and other Eadtern mofalities, wui gomg instructor, mindful meditation and breathing and medication techniques, wish to promote wellness and lifestyle interventions to deal w issues of noncompliance, obesity, smoking and poor nutrition, smoking


- new hope, pennsylvania
- holistic integrative family medicine MD
- medical acupuncturist
- prevention, wellness promotion
- pharmacist, expertise in polypharmacy interactions, integrayive approach to minimize meds and maximize global health quality of life goals, epidemiologist, facial rejuvination, cognitive behavioral training and expertise in individualized care based on in
- womens health, perinatal care- newborn longer deliver but provide prenstal and perinatal councelling
- homebound care for geriatric, acute and service for other community docs who need MD to see homebound esp geriatric, family centered maternity and newborn
- procedurally strong dermatology, wound care
- pharmacist, expertise in polypharmacy interactions, integrayive approach to minimize meds and maximize global health quality of life goals, epidemiologist, facial rejuvination, cognitive behavioral training and expertise in individualized care based on in
- pharmacist, expertise in polypharmacy interactions, integrayive approach to minimize meds and maximize global health quality of life goals, epidemiologist, facial rejuvination, cognitive behavioral training and expertise in individualized care based on in