Anatoliy Suslov Address: 455 5th Ave, Cedarhurst NY 11516; Tel.: 917-689-0464; Email: Qualifications Overview • Well-qualified and technically-proficient Research Lead Scientist (physicist-engineer) with a large laboratory experience and excellent academic qualifications. • Substantial experience in sophisticated research techniques and technologies: surface analysis, particles parameters (size, concentration, charge, etc.) analysis, material testing, composition particles analysis, mechanical testing, surface technology, deposition systems, generation disperse systems (solid ,liquid particles ion media) possessing pre-designed properties, semiconductors, thin films,plasma, vacuum and surface science instrumentation. • Organized, take-charge professional with exceptional follow-through abilities and detail orientation; able to plan and oversee projects from concept to successful conclusion. • Demonstrated ability to efficiently prioritize a broad range of responsibilities in order to achieve maximum level of operating effectiveness. • Expertise in lab and field research, data collection/analysis and project management. • Extensive experience working with cross-functional scientific and research teams. PUBLICATIONS: 12 patents and more than100 publications United States citizen Education Odessa State University, Odessa, Ukraine (former USSR) Dr. Sci., Physics and Mathematic 1998 (specialization in Molecular Physics and Thermo Physics) Dissertation: “Thermal and Electro Physical Aspects of Mono-Dispersing of High-Temperature Melting Metals “. Ph.D. Physics and Mathematic 1982 (specialization in Molecular Physics and Thermo Physics) Dissertation: “Specific Characteristics of Cluster-Ion Media Transfer At the Liquid-Drop Phase” M.S., Physics 1978 Odessa State Academy of Refrigeration, Odessa, Ukraine (former USSR) M.S., Mechanical Engineering 1970 Professional Experience Research Professor 10/2008 – Present Electrical Engineering Department City College of New York, New York • Designed a method and setup to prepare poly-dispersed and mono-dispersed nanoparticles using heterogeneous condensation (ions) of different materials (dielectric, semiconductor, metal) in gas media. • Prepared nanofilms from poly-dispersed and mono-dispersed nanoparticles on different substrates in gas media. • Investigated the optical properties such as absorption, fluorescence etc. of the poly-dispersed and mono-dispersed nanofilms. • Prepared proposals for the funding. Research Professor 10/2001 – 03/2005 Chemistry Engineering Department, CRSS University of California, Santa Barbara • Designed a method to generate micro-spheres from glass possessing non-linear properties (plasma method) . • Constructed a set-up. Carried out series of researches. Prepared and analyzed samples. • Prepared materials for presentations and publication. Designed a method to generate micro-spheres from glass possessing linear properties (plasma method) • Designed and constructed set-ups and devices for experiments. Carried out tests. Analyzed samples and research results. Designed a phenomenological model of the process. Prepared project reports, materials for presentations. Wrote patent papers, articles. As the result of this work, the Department got a $ 400.000 grant for a year. • Designed a method to generate granules of zircon oxide (ZrO2) with 2R ~ 2 cm with the help of plasmatron. Performed preparation and study of the samples, as well as the analysis of the obtained results. Associate Research Professor 10/2000 – 09/2001 Chemistry Engineering Department, CRSS University of California, Santa Barbara • Designed a method to research the movement of magnetic nanoparticles in biological materials (tissues and skin of a pig) under the effect of the exterior magnetic field. • Designed a set-up and carried out research work to study the movement of magnetic particles in various biological media under the effect of the external magnetic field • Prepared and analyzed manufactured samples. Employed non-phenometric methods and AFM. Prepared materials for presentations. Wrote patent papers, grants, articles, etc. Visiting Scientist 05/2000 - 09/2000 Chemistry Engineering Department, CRSS University of California, Santa Barbara • Set the objectives for designing a method for generating nanoparticles possessing magnetic properties with sizes in the range R ~ 1- 10 nm. • Designed a scheme; constructed, manufactured, and assembled a set-up for experimental research • Prepared samples of nanoparticles for SEM, TEM, AFM, and XPS studies • Collaborated in testing nanoparticles on SEM, TEM, AFM, and XPS. • Designed a phenomenological model for generating nanoparticles. • Constructed a set-up for generation of nanoparticles of Fe2O3 in the air. • Prepared samples and made analysis of sizes and concentrations of nanoparticles (employing DMA, ESP, AFM, SEM, TEM, XPS, and optical microscope methods). • Manufactured nanoparticle films with thickness of about 10 nm. Professor 1993 – 2000 Head of Department, Institute for Combustion and Non – Traditional Technologies Odessa State University, Ukraine (former USSR) • Managed current works; wrote proposals, analyzed current results; set problems and tasks and solved them; employee advisor. • Project director, PI: • Designed methods for generating micro-spheres with nanoparticles from metals with a high melting point (T m > 1000 – 3000 C). • Researched the properties of micro-spheres and nanoparticles produced from materials with a high melting temperature generated in various media: gas, vacuum. • Modeling micrometeor interaction with different materials • The Effect of the Ultra-Violet Irradiation on the Disperse Systems in the gas media (cold plasma). • Studying the specifics of the interaction of the aerosol medium (water particles) with complex ions. Visiting Professor 1992 University of Saarbruken (Germany) • Prepared nanostructured samples and investigated their physical and chemical properties. Chief of the Laboratory 1980 - 1992 Fast-Fleeting Processes Physics Study Odessa State University, Ukraine (former USSR) • Employee advisor, Project Principal Investigator; managed current works Leading Specialist, Laboratory for Disperse Systems’ Physics Studies Research Affiliate, Laboratory for Disperse Systems’ Physics Studies Teaching Experience • Odessa State Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine (former USSR) 1989 - 1990 Course: Physics for Medical Students • Odessa State University, Odessa, USSR, Ukraine, 1983-1999 Department of Physics, Course: Physics of the Disperse Systems, • Odessa State University, Odessa, USSR, Ukraine, 1974-1999 Department of Physics – graduate and undergraduate student advisor • Saarbrucken University, Saarbrucken, Germany 1992 Department of Physics – graduate and undergraduate student advisor • UCSB, Santa Barbara, USA 2000-2005 Department of Chemical Engineering - graduate and undergraduate student advisor • CCNY, New York, USA 2008-Present Electrical Engineering Department – graduate student advisor Awards and Fellowship • Personal Grant for Scientific Research – “Soros Program”, Ukraine, 1994 • Senior Fellow – Specialist in Thermo Physics and Molecular Physics 1986 (VAC- Superior Attestation Committee – USSR) Membership The New York Academy of Sciences American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) RESEARCH INTERESTS • Molecular and thermo physics of disperse systems (mechanical, electrical, combustion, optical, materials, ion media and plasma); • Manufacturing poly/mono-dispersed nanoparticles possessing pre–designed physical and chemical properties; • Investigation of the properties of the generated particles and of the physical effects resulting due to the physical and chemical properties of these particles; • Generation of new substances based on disperse systems (amorphous, quantum dots, thin film, etc); • Technologies and devices to monitor the parameters of the disperse systems and ion media (size, concentration, charge, composition, etc., of generated particles). Selected Publications A.Suslov,P.T.Lama , R.Dorsinville, Fluorescence enhancement of Rhodamine B by monodispersed silver nanoparticles, Optics Communications 345(2015)116–119. P. Lama, A. Suslov, A. D. Walser, and R. Dorsinville, “Plasmon assisted enhanced nonlinear refraction of monodispersed silver nanoparticles and their tunability,” Optics Express, 22, pp. 14014-14021 (2014). A. Suslov, P. Lama, and R. Dorsinville, “Fabrication of Monodispersed Silver Nanoparticles and their Collective Sharp Plasmonic Response,” Plasmonics, 9, pp. 493-497 (2014). A. Suslov, P. Lama, and R. Dorsinville, “Fabrication and characterisation of nanostructured thin films of Ag synthesized using condensation on ion centres in gas,” Micro & Nano Letters, 6, pp. 955–957 (2011). A. Suslov, Synthesis of Magnetic Cluster Nano Particles. – European Cells and Materials, 3, pp. 200-202 (2002). Suslov A.V., Lyalin L.A, Employing the Boundary Sphere Method for Simulating Photo Electronic Emission from a Spherical Aerosol Particle’s Surface // Journal of Aerosol Science. – 2000, V. 31, pp. 861-862. Suslov A.V., Investigation of Monodispersed Metal Particles` Combustion in the Air // Journal of Aerosol Science. – 1996, V. 27, pp. 369-371. Lyalin L.A., Suslov A.V., Photoemission Charging of Aero-Dispersed Systems // Journal of Aerosol Science. – 1996, V. 27, pp. 220-221. Suslov A.V., Lyalin L.A., Semyonov K.I., Thermo-Emission Charging of a Spherical Sedimentary Particle // Journal of Aerosol Science. – 1995, V. 26, pp. 321-322. Suslov A.V., Trunov M.A., Semyonov K.I., Receiving Micro-Nano-Particles in Neutral and Low-Activity Gases // Journal of Aerosol Science. – 1994, V. 25, pp. 430-432. Suslov A.V., Trunov M.A., Semyonov K.I., Receiving Micro Nano-Particles in the Air // Journal of Aerosol Science. – 1993, V. 24, pp. 479-480. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Formation of Monodispersed Refractory Metal Particles by Impulse Discharge // Journal of Powder Technology, 1993, V. 74, pp. 23-30. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., General Trends in Metal Particle Heterogeneous Combustion // Journal of Combustion Science and Technology. - 1993, V. 90, pp. 79-99. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Temperature Jumps in Free Metal Particle Combustion // Journal of Combustion Science and Technology. - 1992, V. 87, pp. 45-58. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Modeling of Monodispersed Metal Micro Granule Generation in a Pulse Discharge // MHD Processes for the Environmental Protection: Ukraine. 1992, pp. 242-247. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Aerodynamic Resistance to the Movement of High Temperature Metal Particles // Journal of Aerosol Science. - 1991.v.1, pp. 281-284. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Interaction of High Temperature Metal Particles with Different Materials // Journal of Aerosol Science. - 1991.V.1, pp. 277-280. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A. Monodispersed Metal Particles’ Behavior in Different Media // Journal of Physical Engineering. - 1991. V. 60, N 4, pp. 620-625. Suslov A.V., Lyalin L.A. Photoemission Charging of Aerosol Particles at the Atmosphere Pressure // Journal of Physical Engineering. - 1991. V. 60, N 4, pp. 603-610. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., “Investigation of Properties of Monodispersed Micro Granules of Refractory Metals Generated in an Impulse Arc,” Journal of Physical Engineering.- 1991. V. 60, N 4, pp. 595-599. Suslov A.V., Lyalin L.A., Semyonov K.I., Monodispersion of Metals Having Temperate and High Melting Points with the Help of Gaseous Plasma // Journal of Physical Engineering. - 1991. V. 60, N 4, pp. 571-576. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Investigation Technology of Metal Particles’ Oxidation Kinetics during Their Propagation and Combustion // Physics of Combustion and Explosion. - 1991. - N 4, pp. 138-139. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Producing Monodispersed Metallic Powders in a Pulsed Electric Arc // Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. - 1990. V. 29, N 4, pp. 939-943. Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Investigation of Combustion of Monodispersed Metal Particles Generated in an Impulse Arc // Physics of Combustion and Explosion. - 1990. N 4, pp. 25-27. Suslov A.V., Lyalin L.A. Kinetics of Photo Ionization Charging of Aerosol Particles // Papers of Moscow Institute of Energy. - 1990. V. 232, pp. 110-114 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Trunov M.A., Specifics of Forming the Properties of Monodispersed Metal Particles Generated in the Impulse Arc // Papers of Moscow Institute of Energy. - 1990. V. 232, pp. 77-84 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Generating Monodispersed Metal Powders in an Impulse Electric Arc // Powder Metallurgy. 1990. N 15 (336), pp. 1-5 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., et al., Electro-Technological Problems of MHD-Granulating of Metals // Kiev: 1989. p. 21 (Preprint-646, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences) (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Selective Properties of Hydrometeors’ Surface // Atmosphere Electricity. - Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. 1988, pp. 63-66 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A., Kontush S.M., Investigation of Atmosphere Aerosols’ Photo Ionization // Atmosphere Electricity. - Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat. 1988, pp. 53-55 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Lyalin L. A., Photoemission of Electrons out of a Positively Charged Aerosol Particle // Proceedings of Moscow Institute of Energy. 1987. V. 149, pp. 110-114 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Lyalin L. A., Pozigun S.A., Gas Medium Impact on the Photoemission of Electrons from a Negatively Charged Aerosol Particle // Proceedings of Moscow Institute of Energy. 1987. V. 149, pp. 115-121 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A., Experimental Determining of the Quantum Yield Value and of the Work Function of Fluids in Gas // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1986. V. 29, pp. 15-19 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A., Monodispersed Drops’ Generator with an Oscillating Needle // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1985. V. 28, pp. 8-11 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A., Ion Media Impulse Spectrometer // Atmosfernoe Electrichestvo.- Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat.-1982. P.253 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., The Charge of Polar Fluid Drops in Various High Conductivity Zones // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1984. V. 25, pp. 33-38 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., On the Mechanism of Selective Charging of Drops in the Ion Medium // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1984. V.25, pp. 27-33 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Kontush S.M., Stationary Drops’ Charges Determined by Double Electrical Layer in the Bipolar Ion Medium // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1983.V. 23, pp. 28-31 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Kontush S.M., Effect of the Surface Properties of Solitary Drops on the Selective Trapping of Gas Ions // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1983. V. 23, pp. 23-28 (in Russian). Suslov A.V., Influence of Fluid Surface on the Drops` Charge - Determined by Ions’ Diffusion // Physics of Aerodisperse Systems. - Kiyv-Odessa: Vischa Shkola, 1978.V. 18, pp. 29-33 (in Russian). Selected Conference Proceedings A. Suslov, P. Lama, and R. Dorsinville, “Synthesis of Monodispersed Ag Nanoparticles and their Optical Characterization,” IEEE Photonics Conference, Bellevue, Washington, Sep. 8-12, 2013, pp. 485-486. P. Lama, A. Suslov, and R. Dorsinville, “Optical Characterization of Ag Nanoparticles Fabricated Using Heterogeneous Condensation in Air,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, California, May 6-11, 2012, paper JTh2A.107. Suslov A.V., Specific of Interaction of Cluster Nanoparticles (CNPs) with Metallic Surface. – 22nd Annual AAAR Conference. – October 20-24, 2003. – Anaheim, California. Suslov A.V., Impulse Spectrometer for Nanoparticles Measurements. – 22nd Annual AAAR Conference. – October 20-24, 2003. – Anaheim, California. Suslov A.V., Bonding Energy of Cluster Nano Particles. – 22nd Annual AAAR Conference. – October 20-24, 2003. – Anaheim, California. Suslov A.V., Influence of the Liquid Drop Surface Properties on the Selective Trapping of Gas Ions // 14th Annual Meeting of the AAAR. - Pittsburgh, USA.1995, p.174. Suslov A.V., Interaction of Cluster-Ion Media with Metal Surface // 14th Annual Meeting of the AAAR. - Pittsburgh, USA. -1995. p.153. Selected Patents Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., Pozigun S.A., A Method for Generating Metallic Powders // Patent USSR, 1629160. Published 23.02.1991 Suslov A.V., Dreizin E.L., A Method for Producing Spherical Granules // Patent USSR, 1627327. Published 15.02.1991 Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A., Kontush S.M., A Method for Work Function Measurement for Fluids in Gas // Patent USSR, 1293581. Published 28.02.1987 Suslov A.V., A Surface Treatment Method // Patent USSR, 1198985. Published 15.08.1985 Suslov A.V., Device for Measurement of Concentration and Mobility of Gas Ions // Patent USSR, 1205319. Published 15.09.1985 Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A., Kontush S.M., A Method for Quantum Yield Measurement for Fluids // Patent USSR, 1217073. Published 07.12.1985 Suslov A.V, Pozigun S.A., Impulse Method for Measuring Concentration and Mobility of Gas Ions // Patent USSR, 922617. Published 23.04.1982 Suslov A.V., Pozigun S.A. Generator of Monodispersed Drops // Patent USSR, 978935, Published 03.03.1982

