I am looking for a position whose end result is that my work improves the life of those in some group that is in need. I have 32 years of experience creating and operating programs for such individuals. In-need groups for which I have provided service include at-risk students at the K-undergraduate level, English language learners, students interested in careers in science and engineering, and recent immigrants. In addition to a position directing a nonprofit organization, I would consider a development position in such an organization. Fundraising has been an element of executive positions I have held, and I have been the development director for several nonprofit organization. I also have substantial experience in government at the federal and state levels and would consider positions in government relations.

.Raised millions of dollars from federal, state, corporate, philanthropic sources. .Founded and chaired a university department. .Wrote legislation that sent millions of dollars to western and southwestern universities for education of minority students .Operated a national organization. .More than doubled dues paying membership in a nonprofit of which I was the executive director. .Helped write the science and technology policy of the Clinton/Gore White House. .Wrote legislation that led to reparations payments to Japanese Americans and Aleutian Islanders held in concentration camps during World War II. .Member of team that wrote the legislation that allowed release to the public of previously classified photographs taken from satellites. Was first step in process that permitted such things as satellite views in Google maps. .Member of team that revised laws pertaining to ownership of intellectual property obtained through federal grants. .Wrote a book on factors affecting academic performance of girls and minority students.Companies I like:
Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Silicon Valley Education Foundation, Santa Clara University, De Anza College

