To obtain a position in that will utilize my skills and experience received as civil servant. EMPLOYMENT DE P U TY CH IE F CLE RK III YE A RS EM P LO Y E D (2001 - PRE SE N T ) Mount Vernon City Court Unified Court System, State of New York Assist the Chief Clerk in supervising court personnel in assignment of workload, court operation and administrative duties. Direct supervisor of the Civil Department. Provide verbal and written responses to various agencies and court users regarding general and complex polices and procedures of the court. Monitor case flow activity and processing of civil actions for compliance with court rules and procedures. Accounting and distribution of the court's revenue to appropriate agencies including but not limited to daily deposits, bank reconciliation, monthly revenue reports and vouchers. Compiling and entering statistical data, maintaining and ordering court's supplies and inventory. SE N IO R C O U RT O FFIC E A SSISTA N T Y E A RS EM PLO Y E D Supreme & County Court (2000 - 2001) Unified Court System, State of New York Assigned to the Civil Department as an intake clerk entering new cases, generating court calendars, entering dispositions and statistical data and distributing incoming mail to appropriate departments. CO U RT OFFIC E ASSISTA N T Mount YE A RS EM P LO Y E D Vernon City Court (1996 - 2000 Unified Court System, State of New York Assigned to the Civil Department processing all documents involved for commencing and disposing of civil and landlord/tenant actions and the in-part clerk to assist the judge during court sessions. AC C O U N TS PA Y A BLE CLE RK YE A RS EM P LO Y E D Louis Frey Company 1990 - 1995 New York, New York Matching and coding invoices for payments, data entry and generating checks for processing.