Summary * Over twenty years of direct experience supervising and leading physical security, personal protective services, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, and conduct of threat assessments. Extensive training and experience in urban warfare and close quarters combat. * US Army Special Forces Operations and Intelligence Sergeant, Special Forces Weapons Sergeant, US Army Ranger and US Army Long Range Surveillance Scout. * Assisted in development of physical security plans for United States Embassies and other fixed facilities and developing security plans for improving force protection measures achieved measurable results in counternarcotics and terrorism counteraction. Maintain a Department of Defense * Participated in Executive Protection assignments throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America, providing protection for senior United States officials and foreign diplomats. Member of an Army Long Range Surveillance Team and a Special Forces Sniper. * Have extensive leadership of teams deployed on independent operational missions and training exercises. Responsibilities included target analysis, logistics planning and budget management. Have had responsibility for as much as $150,000 worth of team equipment and expendable supplies. * Fluent in Spanish. * Made numerous oral presentations to military and government personnel in many Central and South American countries to train them in civil-military operations and military weapons systems and tactics. * More than fifteen years as a military tactics instructor. A U.S. Army Ranger Instructor for over four years, a Special Forces Instructor for over 5 years, teaching basic military tactics, foreign internal defense, and other military subjects to groups of up to 600 men. * At ease in the use of special communications systems, computers and a wide array of U.S. and foreign weapons and explosives. * Execute all aspects of high-risk Close Quarters Combat, including Tactical Explosive Entry. Marksmanship Instructor for many government agencies and foreign countries. * Have held a Clearance.


Job Skills
