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RssConstruction Inspector

A Challenging position for a company were my experience and skills can be used to their fullest potential.

Boat Builders & Shipwright

About Me


Construction & Extraction


Boat Builders & Shipwright

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Work Experiences

3/2009 - /2012

Vali Cooper & Associates

Individual Contributor

  • California American Water Meter project: As a Sr. Inspector his responsibility’s include review pay applications; write inspection reports, take inspection photos, maintained the program management customer request log and tracked routes for meter installations. Observed of Contractors plumbers retro fitting existing lead lines from water main to homes, while installing 5/8” Neptune Water Meters with remote transponders. Set new meter boxes, he also made decisions on site were the new water meters should be placed, (front yards or back yards). Mr. Escandon was responsible for assuring that the contractor on site followed CAL AM procedures and specifications. Mr. Escandon was responsible to get home owners to sign a consent form to enter the property ahead of schedule and to enter the back yards; he was also responsible for taking calls from homeowners with any project questions and complaints on this $767,218.00 Project. Fresno Water Meter Project: As a Sr. Inspector, his responsibilities include reviewing pay applications; Write daily reports, filling out bid item tracking excel spread sheets, customer request log and execution, issues log and photo log. Observations of the contractors plumbers retrofitting existing plumbing from the water main curb stop to house lead line and setting new meter boxes for ¾”, 1”, 1.5”and 2” service lines. His tasks include tracking bid item plumbing, making decisions on site as were the meters should be placed, in front yards, back yards, city mow strips and side corridors. Mr. Escandon was responsible for assuring that the contractor followed the city of Fresno department procedures and project specifications. Also observations of the scada type meter that was installed with Wi Fi transmitters and bid item tracking and bid item tracking for this project as well. Mr. Escandon also worked with a team that went to each residential home and conducted a survey of existing conditions as to if the service was meter ready or not. This project included getting the contractor to dig up existing valve cans at work locations, saw cut existing concrete and asphalt were valve cans were in those locations to create a meter pit, retro fit the existing plumbing and set new meter box making the service meter ready, for over 115,000 homes in Fresno on this $26 million project.

6/2003 - /2012

Kennedy Jenks

Individual Contributor

  • National Park Service; Yosemite Valley Integrated Utility Project Phase 2A As Sr. Field Inspector, his responsibilities include reviewing pay applications; write daily reports and picture log, construction management services for this $6.3 Million Project: Observations of the Contractors Quality Control Procedure as Quality Assurance and site Inspector of the following construction: The project includes the following, Installation of underground utility corridor (water pipelines, gravity sewer pipe lines, sanitary sewer force main, communications ducts and electrical ducts. Installation of 1- sanitary sewer lift station, modification of two existing sanitary sewer lift stations, installation of gate valves in existing water lines, installation of 12 KV cabling and transformers for primary and standby, installation of communication cabling, addition and modification of the existing SCADA system, sheeting shoring and bracing. Work includes traffic control, site preparation, saw cutting, full road width, half road width of trench width pavement removal and disposal or recycling, dewatering, excavation, trenching, disposal of excavation materials; furnishing and installing materials equipment, backfilling, compacting, grading. He also finished the final punch list for project completion. National Park Service; Yosemite Valley Sanitary Sewer System CIPP Phase 2: As a Sr. Field Inspector, his responsibilities include processing RFI’S reviewing Pay applications; write daily reports and pictures logs, construction management services For this $3.1 Million Project: Observations of the Contractors Spill Prevention Plan, Storm Water Pollution Plan, Resource Protection, De Watering operations, Installation Of new 4” through 8” SDR35 PVC pipe for gravity sewer systems, including New manholes, pre clean, hydro flush and post CCTV of existing sewer lines for Rehab CIPP; pipe bursting, backfill and compaction of new sewer systems Installation, Quality Assurance of the Contractor’s Quality Control Plan and Attending weekly progress meetings, replacement of 4” water line to connect To Lift Station splash down. National Park Service; Sewer pipeline and Manhole Cleaning Inspection: As a Field Inspector, his responsibilities include reviewing pay applications, Attend and conduct weekly progress meetings, write daily reports and picture Logs facilitate and coordinate project related agenda for this $481,280 project Providing construction management services for the following: Over See and Track quantities while the contractor clean & inspected existing manholes Consisting of pre CCTV, Hydro Flush and Post CCTV, spill prevention and response plan and storm water prevention pollution plan. Tuolumne Utilities District; Big Hill Water System Improvements: As Sr. Field Inspector, his responsibilities include observations, project coordination, processing RFI’S of all construction phases of this $ 1.5 Million Project. He was responsible for overseeing the CM services; chairing meetings and taking meeting minutes and researching project quantities and reviewing Pay Applications. Summary of work included new installation of 14,000 LF of 4”, 6” and 8” C-900 for main line with ARV’s, PRV’s, PRV Stations, All New Water line water services and appurtenances, new connections, quantify SF for 190,000 SF of New ABC for Gravel Roadways, new Gate vales, new Fire Hydrants, New Bollards, Pressure Testing, Chlorination and flushing of new system and abandoned the old system for a small community in the back country including main line installation of 22% slopes and cross country sections. He was responsible for reviewing record drawings and making field changes on site. National Park Service; Yosemite Valley Lift Station: As a Sr. Field Inspector, his responsibilities include observations, processing RFI’S; of all construction phases of this $ 4.4 Million project. And provide construction management services for modification to the Phase one Integrated utilities plan as follows: Summery of work included Installation of I new lift station consisting of 3- 10 foot diameter pre cast for the Wet Well and over Flow Basins, 1- 6 foot Diameter pre cast head works with a solids grinder, new generator building and generator, direct and angular boring with sewer manholes and 10” to 18” PVC gravity sewer piping, valve vault and instrumentation vaults and equipment. National Park Service; El Portal Replace Gas Chlorine Disinfections System: As a Sr. Field Inspector, his responsibilities include observations, processing RFI’S, of all construction phases of this $ 1.9 Million project and provide construction management services for the following: Installation of UV disinfections system, including lamp banks, hoist, electrical controls, and associated equipment. Removal of existing chlorine and sulfur dioxide gas systems. Removal of polyethylene sodium hydroxide tanks, metering pumps, and piping. Installation of 4” through 16” valves and fittings. Materials include ductile iron and cast iron. Installation of electrical controls, instrumentation and wiring. Installation of aluminum handrails, stairs and checker plates. Bradshaw Interceptor Section 6B/Bradshaw Sacramento, California: As Consulting Inspector for Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District. His responsibilities include observation and coordination of Installation of 2600 LF of RCP with T-Lock PVC liner, Joint pressure testing, T-lock Spark testing and installation access manholes with flow meters connection to the Bradshaw/Jackson Junction structure, control low strength slurry over Pipe line, Excavation, backfill approximately 40’ deep trench and tracked Time and Materials for all this work including Daily reports and picture log. He also assists in observations of Installation of 90” RCP Interceptor and 46” Air Jumper Manhole, 108” RCP Interceptor and Teichert Tunnel open cut 108” CMP Crossing Bradshaw Road for this $26,200,000 project. National Park Service, Yosemite Valley Integrated Project, Phase 1, Yosemite National Park, CA: As a Senior Field Inspector, his responsibilities include observation and coordination of all construction phases of this $12�million project: He was monitoring all of the contractors daily activities, including surveying, excavating, and laying pipe, Underground Utilities such as Electrical, Communication Duct Banks, Installation of 30” Water line and 12” Sewer Force main concrete encased in group trench. He also inspected the Merced River Crossing with these utilities (open cut coffer dam method) and Yosemite Creek Open Cut Crossing, Direct Burrow for two 18” steel casings for 12” sewer force main and communication duct and inspected the Traffic Control in the Yosemite Valley. National Park Service, Construction Improvement, Phase 1A Project, Yosemite National Park, CA: As a Senior Field Inspector, his responsibilities include observation and coordination of all construction phases of this $1 million project and provide construction management services for miscellaneous sewer repairs in Yosemite Valley. He was responsible for observing and holding the Contractor to Project specifications for placement of a new 8” Gravity sewer system pipe burst and slip lining of existing sewer lines. He also observed the connection to North Pines Lift station. National Park Service, Construction Improvements, CIP 1B Spot Repair and rehabilitation, Yosemite National Park, CA: As Senior Inspector, his responsibilities include observation and coordination of all construction phases of this $3 million project and provide construction management services for miscellaneous sewer spot repairs, consisting of new sewer lines and slip lining existing gravity sewer lines. Also reviewed CCTV DVD of pre and post CCTV. Provided closeout inspections for a complicated punch list. National Park Service, Yosemite Creek Lift Station Force Main Rehabilitation Project Yosemite National Park, CA: As a Senior Field Inspector, his responsibilities include observation and coordination of all construction phases of the project. He monitored all of the contractor’s daily activities for approximately 18,000 LF of force main replacement and manhole repairs in Yosemite Valley and gravity sewer repairs in El Portal. He was responsible for holding the Contractor to Project specifications for the Removal of the existing clay force main and installs the new 12” HDPE Force main, ARV’s Blow Off’s and pig catcher. Town of Gilbert, Gilbert Road Improvements from Frye to Knox, Gilbert, AZ: Improvements included observation of the Gilbert Road Project. The project completed improvements to approximately two miles of Gilbert Road between Frye and Knox Roads, to bring the roadway up to a six-lane major arterial standard with raised median, curbs and gutters, street lighting, and traffic signals. The work also included the widening of two major intersections at Ray Road/Gilbert Road and Chandler Boulevard/Williams Field Road/Gilbert Road. He coordinated all associated above ground and underground utilities work such as relocation/replacement of water and sewer lines, SRP irrigation, power lines, and various communications lines and equipment. The total cost for the project is approximately $5 million dollars and took 11 months to complete. Tucson Airport Authority, Ryan Airfield Taxiway/Apron Reconstruction Project, and Tucson, AZ: After preparing design, Kennedy/Jenks provided construction management and administration services for three individual paving projects and a fencing project at Ryan Airfield in Tucson, AZ. He performed field observation for the Ryan Airfield project. The three paving projects consisted of construction of a new 1,600-foot-long 35-foot-wide Taxiway E (between existing Taxiway D and Runways 15-33), overlaying Sections 2-4 of existing Taxiway B, Section 4 of Taxiway D, and the North Apron; and construction of a new aircraft tie-down and future helicopter apron south of Taxiway B, between the existing North Apron and Taxiway D (referred to as the “Taxiway D Parking Apron”). The fencing project consisted of ADOT Right-of-Way standard fence around various sections of the perimeter of the Ryan Airfield property. The cost for construction was approximately $1.2 million.