• Let me say first of all thank you for your time. I have 20+ years experience in the oilfield. I am BOP Certified, I have my H2S fit card, First Aid and CPR Certified. I have my own Insurants. I have been working for Chesapeake Energy Inc., as a Drilling Consultant for the past 7 years. 9 years with H&P Drilling Inc., and 7 years Nabors Drilling Inc. I have lots of experience in Kelly rigs, Top drive rigs, Water well rigs, HP/HT wells., hydraulics, planning, writing computer programs, building applications, tracking well bores, calculate DL, DLN, BR, projection to landing and Highs/lows, Left/right. I have used RIMBase, Wellview, MD Toco, IADC, Pason, Wildcat and CMD. I have worked in TX, NM, OK, LA, KS and PA, Driller all types of wells with H2O, O/B, AIR and SIN. I am a straight up guy if I don't know the answer to a question, I ask and if you ask me a question and I don't have a answer for you, you can bet I will get one for you and it may not be what you want to hear but it WILL BE RIGHT. If I am on days off and you need someone call me, I am there. In addition to consulting on rigs, I have also done a little Bounty Hunting and worked underneath S.W.A.T. in different areas of the United States.

