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Rss25 years book binding/maintenance technician

Dear Hiring Manager, It is with great interest that I write regarding your maintenance technician job. I believe that I am well-suited for the opportunity in that I have over twenty-five years of professional maintenance experience; possess exceptional mechanical skills; and am an incredibly hard worker that would make a reliable, efficient, and outstanding employee. I have held several long-term positions in the book binding industry that have allowed me to hone my maintenance and leadership expertise as I oversaw and operated several large, complex, high-speed binding machines and acted as a supervisor for crews up to over a dozen people. In addition to performing my regular job duties to an exceptional level, I am also always willing to take on and seemingly daunting tasks, such as the time I disassembled, transported, and reassembled the mechanics and electrics of a 120-foot, highly complex binding machine during a company move. I would greatly enjoy the opportunity to bring my experience and knowledge to the maintenance job. I look forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, Mark S. Backiel

Aircraft Rigging Assembler

Fitchburg, MA

About Me


Manufacturing & Production


Aircraft Rigging Assembler

Education level:

High School/GED

Will Relocate:



Fitchburg, MA
