

Bryan M

Army Seargeant First Class, 3-16 month Combat Tours Iraq & Afghanistan Communications Chief 2 Bronze Stars Recipient. Responsible for 120 soldiers and 66.9 million dollars of equipment with 0 loss of either.




Pine Bluff, AR

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



To be on the cutting edge of technology with a cutting edge company that leads the way and wants to be the best, to become a member of a high speed, highly motivated team that has only one objective: TO WIN BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY, TO SUCCEED WHERE OTHERS HAVE FAILED. I want to work for a group, company, and or team that is not afraid of a challenge, would take on the problems that others are afraid of, I want to work for a team or company where failure is not an option, 2nd place is not accepted because 2nd place is just a first place looser. If you are ready to become the very best, if your looking for an individual that will never quit, that will be the very best, loyal, dedicated, above reproach, professionalat all times, and will find the answer and or solution by any means necessary, that understands the difference between specified and implied tasks, common sense is just that common, I just want a company, group, or team that expects nothing but the best and will support me through the best of times and the rough times and. If that is the professional you are looking for then you have found him. Quit, Fail, Enough, and Can't have never been a part of my mind or vocabulary and they are not about to start now. Please only those that want and need the best of the best, then I am waiting for your call.....





