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Rsssupervisor of the claims and commercial insurance policy processing dept.

Obtaining a position that I can utilize my skills and knowledge while learning new ones. Satisfying customers, co-workers, and the company I represent by resolving issues, simplifying task, knowledge of resources available to obtain the resolution of the task. My personal goal is to be a asset to the company i represent.lachieve the goals at hand and the expectations of the position held.expectations. position with and be an asset that can be called on to help to become an asset to all i help in the position i holda sucessful company. My goal is to be part of resolving issues, simplifying task, obtaining goals at hand, surpassing the expectations of the company i represent, t and become an asset to the company where I can resolve issues, simplify task to gain a quickrducate to simplify tasks.achieve their goals or resolve issuescieve their goals.

Customer Service Representative

Austin, TX

About Me


Customer Service


Customer Service Representative

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Will Relocate:



Austin, TX