SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Between 1991 and 2008, I was employed by Shell Guam Inc in the transport field. After a year working as a driver, I progressed to the position of transport supervisor which I then held for 11 years, after which I was promoted to the position of Transport Manager in 2003, with responsibility over three diverse island operations (Guam, Palau and Saipan), 25 direct report employees, a fleet of 20 trucks and trailers, and a budget in excess of $2M per annum. In 2008 I became the Fleet and Aviation Operation Manager for Shell Guam in-line with a corporate reorganization to emphasize and focus on the quality and compliance of the transport fleet, the compliance of the aviation operation and a renewed and further enhanced safety management program. In this position my responsibilities were directed to the continuous operability and safety of the company owned $4M transport fleet, including the complete procurement process for replacement equipment, along with the full compliance with international standards of the Companies $30M aviation distribution business. In 2010 upon the sale of the Shell Guam operations to Isla Petroleum and Energy I became their Fleet and Aviation Operation Manager with continuing responsibilities.


Job Skills
