Email: Dear Sir, I wish to apply for your advertised Chemistry position. I have a Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from Oklahoma State University and an MS in Organic Chemistry from Texas A&M University as well as a MLS from the University of Kentucky. I have studied and done research in Biochemistry at Ohio University. While at Oklahoma State University, I synthesized C-14 Caffeine from C-14 Xanthine under Professor Waller of the Biochemistry Department. I have taught General, Organic and Nursing Chemistry at the University of Kentucky. I have been employed as a Research Scientist at the CAER (Center for Applied Energy Research): University of Kentucky from 1994-1999 in catalyst development and Coal Liquefaction. I have been a Physical Chemistry Professor at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater teaching Consumer and Physical Chemistry. I taught General Chemistry for two years at Sungkyunkwan University: South Korea [2007-2009] followed by research in Nanotechnology. I presently am residing at 3380 Morris Drive #105, Zanesville, OH 43701. My home telephone number is 740-452-2910. Cell phone number is 740-616-7094. Attached are my resume, teaching philosophy, research plans and letter of introduction with references. Also attached is a letter of recommendation. Sincerely, Howard C. Van Woert, Ph.D


- Biochemistry
- Chemist
- Composite
- Physics
- Physical
- Organic
- Polymer
- Research
- Chemistry
- Dos
- Electronics
- Fortran Programming Language
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- Instrumentation
- Research
- Chemistry
- Dos
- Electronics
- Fortran Programming Language
- High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- Instrumentation