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Rss25 years experience Education/Training/Administrator, Colorado Springs

OBJECTIVES • To provide leadership, vision, and dedication to the overall development of each individual as a person in the context of a global community - committed to student/staff development extending beyond intellectual growth, including emotional, social, cultural, physical and spiritual. • To provide the mechanism to identify future skill needs that ensure the continued effective performance of our communities and the greater public we serve by making provisions for the development and placement of key/essential employees over time. • To enhance and advocate for community-based educational partnerships and programs, which aligns systems, coordinates community leadership, passion and energy into a collaborative, results-based approach to improving student/staff succession and access to a quality life.

Adult Literacy Instructor

Rio Rancho, NM

About Me


Education, Training, & Library


Adult Literacy Instructor

Education level:


Will Relocate:



Rio Rancho, NM
