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Rsscounseling associate , Knoxville TN

I work for the department of developmental disabilites as a counseling associate for the intensive consultation team. I have worked in the mental health field for close to 15 years doing jobs ranging from frontline direct support for adults and children with chronic severe mental health issues and/or drug dependancy, developmental disabilites, or tramatic brain injury. I work the the direct support staff or families to help assist with challenging behaviors, mental health crisis, and mental health education. I also track data and trends to better assit my organization in treating these individuals in the less restrictive way.I am skilled in MicroSoft Excel, Word for Windows, Micro Soft Office and in general computer use. I am trained in crisis repsonse, crisis intervention, multiple mental health disorders/diagnosis's and am able to train others in those areas. I am looking for some part time work on Saturday and Sunday. Work would have to be mainly sitting as I have a back injury.

Case Manager

Knoxville, TN

About Me


Healthcare & Medical


Case Manager

Education level:

High School/GED

Will Relocate:



Knoxville, TN
