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RssHome Improvement future Real Estate professional/Home Improvement

i am a quick learner with high expectations for myself & my company.As of late i have been working on starting a home improvment business & i also hav been working as a carpet cleaner/repair/installer and in the janitorial business I am a people person so it makes it easy to find clients sometimes but because i am a singal mother keeping the funding buy myself is not working.i no that i am a women trying to get in to a generaly male based area of work but trust me when i say i just have more eye for detail then most.Also i love to organise people help them rid the clutter.i very much enjoy my office cleaning ,contruction,rentals ,abandonments,police& cps raids.and would love to continue if i could get the funding or if i had a investor or 3.i also have a life long dream of becoming a real estate agent in merced county & surounding areas so that there r more affordable housing for familys on the low end of the income level like this economi has left my family & so many others

Painter, Construction & Maintenance

Merced, CA

About Me


Construction & Extraction


Painter, Construction & Maintenance

Education level:

High School/GED

Will Relocate:



Merced, CA