Surender Khurana, Wanida Chearwae, Flora Castellino, Jody Manischewitz, Lisa R. King, Agnieszka Honorkiewicz, Kathryn M. Edwards, Giuseppe Del Giudice, Rino Rappouli, and Hana Golding.. Vaccines with MF59 Adjuvant Expand the Antibody Repertoire to Target Protective Sites of Pandemic Avian H5N1 Influenza Virus. Sci Transl Med 20 January 2010: Vol. 2, Issue 15, p. 15ra5
Wanida Chearwae, Saravanan Kanakasabai, Crystal C. Walline, Wade Iams,Suzanne M. Adams, John J. Bright . Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor d agonists inhibit T helper type 1 (Th1) and Th17 responses in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Immunology. In press
Chearwae W, Mo C, Bright JJ. PPARgamma regulates LIF-induced growth and self-renewal of mouse ES cells through Tyk2-Stat3 pathway. Cell Signal. 2009 Nov 13.
Chearwae W, Bright JJ. PPARgamma agonists inhibit growth and expansion of CD133+ brain tumour stem cells. Br J Cancer. 2008 Dec 16;99(12):2044-53.
Mo C, Chearwae W, O'Malley JT, Adams SM, Kanakasabai S, Walline CC, Stritesky GL, Good SR, Perumal NB, Kaplan MH, Bright JJ. Stat4 isoforms differentially regulate inflammation and demyelination in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. .J Immunol. 2008 Oct 15;181(8):5681-90.
Bright JJ, Kanakasabai S, Chearwae W, Chakraborty S. PPAR Regulation of Inflammatory Signaling in CNS Diseases. PPAR Res. 2008;2008:658520.
Chearwae W, Bright JJ. 15-deoxy-Delta(12,14)-prostaglandin J(2) and curcumin modulate the expression of toll-like receptors 4 and 9 in autoimmune T lymphocyte. J Clin Immunol. 2008 Sep;28(5):558-70.
Chearwae W, Mo C, Bright J. PPARgamma agonist, 15-Deoxy-Delta (12, 14)-Prostaglandin J (2), modulates the cytokine and related genes expression in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) mouse model (Submitted to Immunology Journal (England))
Limtrakul P, Chearwae W, Shukla S, Phisalphong C, Ambudkar SV., Tetrahydrocurcumin, a new modulator of P-gp, MRP1 and MXR. Mol Cell Biochem. 2006, 8.
Chearwae W, Suneet Shukla, Ambudkar SV and Limtrakul P, Curcumin is a potent modulator of multidrug resistance-linked ABC drug transporter ABCG2. Mol Cancer Ther. 2006, 5(8): p1995-2006.
Chearwae W, Wu CP, Chu HY, Lee TR, Ambudkar SV and Limtrakul P, Curcuminoids purified from turmeric powder modulate the function of human multidrug resistance protein 1 (ABCC1). Cancer Chemother Pharmacol, 2005, 14: p1-13.
Limtrakul P, Chearwae W and Leukamharn S, Inhibitory effect of curcumin on TPA (12-O-Tetrahydrodecanoyl Phorbol-13-Acetate) - Induced Activation of Protein Kinase C Isoenzyme epsilon and c-fos protein level in human Keratinocytes. Science Asia, 2005, 31: p113-120.
Chearwae W. Curcuminoids modulate drug resistance in MDR cancer cells. Good Health, 1, April 6, 2546 (In Thai language, Thai magazine).
Chearwae W, Anuchapreeda S, Nandigama K, Ambudkar S and Limtrakul P, Biochemical mechanism of modulation of human P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) by curcumin I, II and III purified from turmeric powder. Biochem Pharmacol, 2004, 68: p2043-2052.
Chearwae W and Limtrakul P. Effect of curcumin on level and distribution of TPA-induced PKC-epsilon in human keratinocytes. Proceeding of the FASEB Journal; 2000, C-167.
Limtrakul P, Chearwae W and Anuchapreeda S, The effect of curcumin on the proliferation of cancer cell lines. Chiang Mai Med Bull, 1999, 38 (3-4), p55-61.
Bright J. Chearwae W, Mo C, U. Ansari. PPAR-gamma modulate inflammation and neural stem cell-mediated CNS repair in EAE model of multiple sclerosis. Poster, 8th International Conference of Neuroimmunology (ISNI 2006), Oct 15-19, 2006, Tokyo, Japan
Chearwae W, Mo C and Bright J. 15-deoxy-delta 12, 14 prostaglandin J2 and curcumin regulate the expression of toll-like receptors in autoimmune T lymphocytes. Poster, American Association of immunology (AAI) meeting, May 18-22, 2007, Miami Beach, FL, USA
Mo C, Chearwae W, John T, O Malley, Mark H. Kaplan and Bright J. Distinct roles of STAT4 and STAT4 in the pathogenesis of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Poster, American Association of immunology (AAI) meeting, May 18-22, 2007, Miami Beach, FL, USA
Chearwae W, Mo C and Bright J. Targeting brain tumor stem cells through nuclear receptors. Poster, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) meeting, April 14-18, 2007, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Chearwae W, Mo C, Bright J. The 15d-PGJ2 and ciglitazone’s regulation on leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) signaling pathway through JAK-STAT pathway in mouse embryonic stem cells is dependent on PPARγ. Poster, 5th International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Annual Meeting, July 26, 2007, Cairns, Australia
Chearwae W, Nandigama K, Suresh Ambudkar S (Poster presentation), MDR reversing activity of curcuminoids isolated from turmeric: Mechanistic study. Poster, The fourth Annual Fellows and Young Investigators Retreat, Mar 9-11, 2004, Williamsburg, Virginia
Chearwae W, Somja S, Sittisombut N. Coreceptor utilization of HIV type 1 subtype E viral isolates from Thai men with HIV type 1-infected and uninfected wives. Poster, The 19th Annual Health Science Meeting, Aug 24, 2001, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chearwae W, T, Sukkajornphop and Tovanabuttra S. Application of Dried Blood Spots in Molecular Epidemiological Study of HIV-1. Poster, The 19th Annual Health Science Meeting, Aug 24, 2001, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Limtrakul P and Chearwae W. Effect of curcuma on level and distribution of TPA-induced PKC-epsilon in human keratinocytes. Poster, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; June 3-8, 2000, Boston, MA, USA
Chearwae W (Major speaker), Biochemical mechanism of modulation by curcuminoids of multidrug resistance-linked ABC transporters: ABCB1 (P-gp), ABCC1(MRP1) and ABCG2(MXR). Methodist Research Institute, July 18, 2006, Indianapolis, IN. USA
Chearwae W (Major speaker), Curcumin is a potent modulator of multidrug resistance-linked ABC drug transporter ABCG2. National Cancer Center, Feb 23, 2006, Singapore
Chearwae W (Major speaker), Wu CP, Chu HY, Lee TR, Ambudkar SV and Limtrakul P, Curcuminoids purified from turmeric powder modulate the function of human multidrug resistance protein 1 (ABCC1). The 6th Annual Meeting Royal Golden Jubilee Ph.D program, April 28-29, 2005, Jom Tean Beach Resort, Pattaya, Thailand
Chearwae W (Major speaker), Ambudkar S and Limtrakul P, Curcumin I, II, III: novel modulators reversing multidrug resistance in HEK transfected with ABCG2, The 4th Join Seminar Biomedical Science among Chiang Mai University, Kunming Medical College, Prince of Songkhla University and Toho University, Oct 11-12, 2004, Rydges Tapae Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chearwae W (Major speaker), Ambudkar S and Limtrakul, Curcumin I, II, III: novel modulators reversing multidrug resistance in HEK transfected with ABCG2, The 4th National Symposium on Graduate Research, Nov 19-23, 2004, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Chearwae W (Major speaker), Anuchapreeda S, Nandigama K, Ambudkar S and Limtrakul P, Biochemical mechanism of human P-glycoprotein by curcumin I, II and III purified from Turmeric powder. The 25th Annual conference of Graduate Students, Chiang Mai University, Dec 10, 2004, Department of Biochemistry, Chiang Mai University